Who Are You? | DrumhellerMail - Page #13
Last updateThu, 16 Jan 2025 3pm

Who Are You? Darcy Silversides




Employer: Ivy’s Awesome Bistro. Occupation: Proprietor.
What do you like most about your job? Having the ability to create beautiful food.
Dream Job? I’m doing it.
How long have you lived in the Valley? 4 years.
Where are you from originally? Whitecourt
What do you like most about living here? Friendly people, small town with all the amenities.
What is your top travel destination? France.
What do you like to do while on vacation? Eat and drink wine.
If you could travel through time, when and where would you like to visit? 1920’s Chicago.
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you bring? Music, books, wine.
If you could hang out with anyone, who would it be and what would you do? Rick Mercer, doing stupid stuff.
What sorts of activities do you do around the community? The Humane Society and I support various other events.
Choose one thing to eat for the rest of your life? Potatoes.
Chocolate or celery sticks? Chocolate.
Favourite movies? The Sound of Music.
Favourite Songs? Blurred Lines by Robin Thick.
What would be your theme song? Cindy Lauper - Girl’s Just Wanna Have Fun.
What song/sound would you like to play whenever you enter a room? ‘Don’t Forget Me When I’m Gone’ Glass Tiger.
If you had your own band, what instrument(s) would you like to play? Piano.
Favourite Books? The Secret Garden.
What are your favourite games? Crib.
What is the one piece of technology that changed everyone’s life, young and old? Electricity.
What are your favourite sports? Football.
Who are your favourite teams? Riders all the Way.
Skiing or snowboarding? Skiing.
What superpower would you want? Time Travel.
Any words of wisdom? Persevere, Never give up, Live your dream.

Who Are You? Kirsten Mechegske



Who Are You?

Kurstin Mechegske

Employer: The Brick.
Occupation: Customer Service.
What do you like most about your job? Meeting people.
Dream Job? Nurse.
How long have you lived in the Valley? One and a half years.
Where are you from originally? Kingston, Ontario.
What do you like most about living here? All the Dinosaurs,
What are some of your top travel destinations? Bali.
What do you like to do while on vacation?
Ride an elephant.
If you could travel through time, when and where would you like to visit? Kingston to visit family.
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you bring? Cell phone, a boat and a burrito.
What three words would you use to describe your spouse? Loyal, handsome, kind.
What is the color of your fiancé’s eyes? Blue.
If you could hang out with anyone, who would it be and what would you do? My mom, we’d get pedicures.
What sort of activities do you do around the community? Café Ole for coffee, Breakfast at WHIFS.
Choose one thing to eat for the rest of your life? Burritos.
Who does the majority of the house work? Equal.

Know someone who we should get to know better?
Please give us a call at 403-823-2580 or
email news@ drumhellermail.com

Who Are You? Anna Gullacher



Who Are You?


Age 16
Occupation: Beginner piano teacher, Swim instructor/ Cashier at the Aquaplex
What do you like most about your job? I really enjoy teaching kids new skills.
Dream Job? Piano Teacher
How long have you lived in the Valley? Since I can remember, around 12 years
Where are you from originally? Standard, Alberta
What do you like most about living here? Everything is really central, it’s easy to get where you want.
What are some of your top travel destinations? The Greek islands and South America
What do you like to do while on vacation? Relax and read a good book
If you could travel through time, when and where would you like to visit? During the time Shakespeare was alive, to see one of his plays.
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you bring? Any book I could think of, water, and someone to share the experience.
If you could hang out with anyone, who would it be and what would you do? My Grandma, and just talk.
What song/sound would you like to hear playing whenever you enter a room? A guitar solo
If you had your own band, what instrument(s) would you like to play? Piano and Violin
Favourite Books? Oliver twist, The Lord of The Rings, Pride and Prejudice
What are your favourite games? Ticket to Ride and The Farming game.
What is the one piece of technology that changed everyone’s life, young and old? The radio.
What superpower would you want? The ability to fly.
Any words of wisdom? Never let the sun set on your anger.

Know someone who we should get to know better?
Please give us a call at 403-823-2580 or
email news@ drumhellermail.com

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