Who Are You? Anna Gullacher | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Who Are You? Anna Gullacher



Who Are You?


Age 16
Occupation: Beginner piano teacher, Swim instructor/ Cashier at the Aquaplex
What do you like most about your job? I really enjoy teaching kids new skills.
Dream Job? Piano Teacher
How long have you lived in the Valley? Since I can remember, around 12 years
Where are you from originally? Standard, Alberta
What do you like most about living here? Everything is really central, it’s easy to get where you want.
What are some of your top travel destinations? The Greek islands and South America
What do you like to do while on vacation? Relax and read a good book
If you could travel through time, when and where would you like to visit? During the time Shakespeare was alive, to see one of his plays.
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you bring? Any book I could think of, water, and someone to share the experience.
If you could hang out with anyone, who would it be and what would you do? My Grandma, and just talk.
What song/sound would you like to hear playing whenever you enter a room? A guitar solo
If you had your own band, what instrument(s) would you like to play? Piano and Violin
Favourite Books? Oliver twist, The Lord of The Rings, Pride and Prejudice
What are your favourite games? Ticket to Ride and The Farming game.
What is the one piece of technology that changed everyone’s life, young and old? The radio.
What superpower would you want? The ability to fly.
Any words of wisdom? Never let the sun set on your anger.

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