Innisfail was three and zero coming into the valley, and carried a loss on the way out. On Saturday, September 27 the Titans played Innisfail and beat them 21-15.
“The team is finally getting it... we had a defensively outstanding first half, and our offense has seen an obvious improvement,” said head coach, Jason Rasmussen.
The first half of the period showed complete Titan domination of the field. As soon as Innisfail was on offense, Drumheller shut them down and regained possession. The team left two quarters with a lead of 21-1.
“Our offensive line did good, Braydon Mahon wasn’t called on a lot, but did a great job leading huddles and was a catalyst for running plays,” which ultimately led to running touchdowns.
Daulton Smith scored two touchdowns and Joa Markotic ran one into their zone. “Those two did a great job. They saw lines to run in, and read the other team. Darren Smylie stands out and had a phenomenal game, reacting to the backfield of the other team despite having a sore wrist,” Rasmussen said. “He made a lot of great hits, along with the rest of offense.”
There are of course improvements that need to be made, as the team is in a “rebuilding era.” One watching the game could see that the special teams need practice to have a clear view of their job in certain plays. “With a team with so little experience, we haven’t taught them the subtlety of an on side kick,” Rasmussen said.
The Titan’s next, and last home game is on Saturday, October 4, a double header with the Bantam Titans. The Seniors play the Bow Valley Wolverines at 2:00 at the Drumheller Composite High School field. Rasmussen said, “they are going to give us a run for our money, it will be a very good game.”