Dinosaur Valley Half Marathon enjoys strong attendance | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Dinosaur Valley Half Marathon enjoys strong attendance

 Kim Clozza, left, and Phyllis Laval offer refreshments to competitors at the Dinosaur Valley Dinosaur Half Marathon Sunday, September 10. mailphoto by Patrick Kolafa

After eight years, the Dinosaur Valley Half Marathon continues to buck the trend with strong attendance.

The annual road race, which features the Family 5K Walk and Run, the Encana 10K and the Half Marathon went Sunday morning, September 10. It was another great year and going into the race, event chair Morgan Syvertsen said their registration was the highest ever for the half marathon.

“We had 156 signed up,” Syvertsen told the “Mail”.

There were 109 signed up for the 10K and 166 signed up for the 5K Family Fun Run. Once again, McDonald’s in Drumheller offered free registration for the family run and 55 took advantage of the opportunity. Syvertsen said there was a healthy crowd of walk-ups that signed up for the race.

McDonald’s was also on site with its McCafe trailer and Freson Bros. had a barbecue for racers. There was also face painting and massages, making a festive atmosphere for the athletes.

The weather cooperated beautifully as smoke-free blue skies were abound with virtually no wind.

“That (smoke) was a real concern, there were some people who said they weren’t going to race,” said Syvertsen.

He is grateful for the strong volunteer support that did everything from manning aid stations to working as course marshalls and ribbon presenters.

He was very happy with the race. This year the proceeds from the races went towards the Canadian Badlands Aquatic Club and members of the swim team were on the course, manning an aid station.

The overall winner of the 21K race was Jeffrey Nicol of Lethbridge and Nick Sereda had the top local time. In the 10K, Jackson Frantz of Calgary was the top finisher, and Cam Morrison of Drumheller finished third. In the 5K, Erik Amwlinckx finished first, and the top Drumheller finisher was Braydon Berdahl. Kate Messom of Drumheller was the top placing female with a blistering 24:01 time.

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