News | DrumhellerMail - Page #3321
Last updateMon, 17 Feb 2025 11am

Badlands Community Facility tender awarded for $14,035,200, facility manager sought

    Under budget and ahead of schedule.
    These are not words you hear often in the construction industry, but this is what you would have heard at Council meeting on Monday.
    The tender for the Badlands Community Facility was  awarded to Calgary based Dawson Wallace Construction Ltd., the lowest bidder, for $14,035,200 exclusive of GST, bringing the total project cost to $21,221,786.40, over $1.7m under budget.
    The firm’s base bid of $13,725,000, reviewed by Graham Edmunds Carter (GEC) Architecture, will allow for separate priced items to be included such as a dasher board system at $87,000, gym divider curtains at $40,000, floor anchors to the fieldhouse floor at $7,200, one operable wall in the banquet room at $146,000 and a separate price for access control system at $30,000.    
    “The day that the bids came in, it was almost hard to believe when they said the first one and it was in the $14m mark and as they continued on...and one came in at less, the one we have now, I was amazed, just shocked,” said Mayor Bryce Nimmo on the tenders coming in at lower than expected.
    GEC will continue their review of the bid as it included a number of alternate prices for costs savings, to determine the impact of the possible savings on the quality of building.
    Work is due to start shortly with a planned completion date by the end of June 2011. Allowing 90 days for equipment and furnishing to be moved in, it is expected the building will be ready for occupancy in September/October 2011.
    As well as awarding the contract, Council also gave direction to administration to recruit a facility manager for the Badlands Community Facility.
    The successful candidate should have a strong background in hospitality, marketing and recreation management as part of the role will be to oversee the day to day programming, scheduling and marketing of the facility. 
    Administration recommended the individual be recruited within the next three to four months to ensure adequate pre-planning and early development of sales and community networks related to the facility.
    With the tender for the main construction work awarded, and a facility manager being sought, Mayor Nimmo said they can now concentrate fully on the second phase of the project.    
    “As you know, we are fundraising for the second phase, the fact that this has come in like this, we’ve got to continue to work as diligently as we can on looking for grants, anything that we can. If there is any way we can continue getting better bids like this, the sooner we can get at it, the better.”

Stampede and Ag Society making some noise this weekend

    There’ll be something for everyone at the Drumheller 2nd Annual Tractor Pull and Trade show this year.
    Organized by the Drumheller Stampede and Ag Society, the event is starting at 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 26 with a trade show, including jewellery, ladies’ clothing, handbags, spa products and Glover trucks will be on display.
    To give everyone a chance to come out to see the main event, the pulling is starting at 6 p.m, warming up with the modified minis category, pulled by eight to 15 year old competitors.
    Tractor enthusiasts and fans will have the chance to show what their machines are made of as they pit their super-charged, highly modified trucks and tractors against each other to compete for the longest pull.
    Modified to get the maximum pull, the vehicles have also become a work of art and fans are encouraged to take a look around and speak to the drivers.
    “These vehicles have unbelievable paint jobs and people are more than welcome to come down to the pitch after the show and look at the machines up close and see the amount of work, time and money that goes into this, because there are some really really nice machines there, it’s like going to a car show,” explained Elwood McCarthy, of the Ag Society.
    As well as the minis, modified tractors, 2 and 4 wheel drive trucks and 4x4 Diesels will be competing in the event.
    This year, there’ll also be a guest appearance by Calgary Stampeder Outriders, who will be signing autographs and posters.


Tim Hortons chooses site on Highway 9 South in Drumheller

    The wait is over.
    After years of speculation, rumours, whining and campaigning, Tim Hortons has selected a potential site to bring its first franchise to Drumheller.
    John Barber, director of real estate development for Western Canada, for TDL Group, confirmed with The Mail the company has selected a site on Highway 9 in Drumheller, and is working towards opening in the near future. Currently there has been no development permit taken out. The company has simply identified a parcel.
    “We have identified a couple of locations, and they are working extremely hard on one of them right now, and if everything goes down the garden path in the right direction, and proper timing, we should have something in Drumheller in 2011,” said Mr. Barber. “We have it in our budget to open a store in Drumheller in 2011.”
     Barber said the company corporately handles the store, but they are franchised out. He was not in the position to reveal the franchisee. He says they have explored markets before without having an owner in place.
    “We went into Stettler without a so-called franchisee in place. We thought the market was strong enough, and that we would be able to find a franchisee in time to open the store,” said Barber.
    Tim Hortons was founded in 1964 by the former Toronto Maple Leaf along with a partner. At the time of Horton's untimely death in a car accident in 1974, there were 40 stores. Today there are 3,596 system wide restaurants with 3,029 in Canada and 567 in the U.S. There is a store in Kandahar, Afghanistan on a military base.
    Barber said Tim Hortons has been exploring positioning an outlet in Drumheller for quite some time, and this is not the first site identified.
    “It is a market that we should have been in a little bit sooner than this,” he said. “We looked at two or three places in Drumheller, but when we wanted to do it, the development costs (were too high)–not because of Drumheller as a town– but the lack of trades because of the economy running so strong for a while.”
    “We’ll be looking forward to having something there and hopefully the people will support it when the store opens,” said Barber.


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