Who Are You? | DrumhellerMail - Page #109
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Who Are You? - Larissa Prokopchuk

who-are-you-larissa.jpgAge: 21
Employer: Fossil World Discover Centre
Job title: Retail Supervisor
Do you like your job? Yes, it’s fun, I get to spend days teaching kids about dinosaurs and fossils.
Are you from Drumheller?No, moved here from Edmonton in April.
Hobbies and interests? Hockey, and snowboarding.
Dreams or goals?Eventually own my own business. I’m going to study business in school.
Favourite food? Seafood, or anything edible.
What’s in your CD player? House techno and dance music.
If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who? Ellen Degeneres, she is so wicked.
Dream car? Chevy SS.
If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one thing, what would it be? My bestfriend, I wouldn’t want to be alone.
Words to live by? Pay it forward.
Where in the world do you want to travel? Anywhere basically, but Australia because I love the accent and I’d learn to surf.
If you had a time machine, where and when would you go? Any place in the future, to see the things that are going to be; hovering cars and stuff.
How do you take your Tim Horton’s? Double double. I’m also unimpressed how there is no Timmie’s in Drumheller.

Who Are You? Jane Smith

who-are-you-jane.jpgAge: Almost 40
Employer: Greentree School
Job title: Associate Principal, Grade 5 homeroom, and French Second Language for Grades 4-6
What do you like about your job? The friendly staff, and building a repitroire with kids I get to see everyday
Hobbies and interests? Gardening, skiing, reading.
Dreams or goals? Complete my masters of education and travel with the family.
What’s a good book you’ve read recently? The Leader in Me by Stephen Covey
Favourite food? Any kind of Italian
Where in the world would you travel? Australia to visit my sister, or return for a trip to Europe with my husband
Favourite music? Contemporary music, The Killers are in my CD player now
If you had a  time machine, where and when would you go? Medieval times in England or France, to watch history unfold
If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who? My husband, because we are so busy
What would you serve him? Perogies and cabbage rolls
Dream car? Anything environmentally clean
Words to live by? Live for the moment
If you could meet anyone, who’d it be? My kids would love to meet Jarome Iginla of the Calgary Flames
If you could bring one thing to a desert island, what would it be? A first aid kit, anyone that knows me knows I’m accident prone

Who Are You? Justy Baltkalns

who-are-you-justy.jpgAge: 24
Employer: LoBrow Boutique, a body piercing studio opening May 1 at Annick’s Spa
Title: Piercer, co-owner
Hobbies and interests? Bowling and softball
Dreams or goals? Move to France, because it’s beautiful, has a rich culture, and the “louver”
What are you reading? DMT the Spirit Molecule
Favourite movie? Zeitgeist
Favourite food? Any kind of pizza, I’m like a child that way
What’s your sign? Aquarius
Dream car? A peach 1957 Chevy Bel air
Where in the world would you travel? Angkar Watt in Indonesia, it’s  a site astronomically aligned with constellation Draco
Where and when would you go in a time machine? To the 1920’s to join a circus sideshow
If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who? Buddha, it would be the most peaceful dinner ever
What would you serve Buddha? A bowl of rice, he wouldn’t want or ask for anything more
If you were on a desert island, and could only bring one thing, what would it be? A package of seeds to grow food with.
Words to live by? Be yourself
What would you be doing, if you weren’t doing what you’re doing? Spending all of my time travelling around the world
Favourite quote? Strong hearts soar through blindness, tearing through the fog, tearing the eyes, to clarify, to a place where truth is seen - Steve Von Till

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