Who Are You? | DrumhellerMail - Page #108
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Who Are You? Connie Tremblay

connie-tremblay.gifAge: 42
Employer: Century 21 PowerRealty.ca
Job title: Realtor
Dreams or goals? Self sustained green living
Hobbies and interests? Baking, cooking, gardening, psychology, sociology, education and motor biking.
How long have you been in Drumheller? Five months.
Where are you from? I was raised in Three Hills, and spent the last four years in Lethbridge.
What do you like about your job? I love helping people achieve their goals.
If you were stuck on a desert island, what would be the one thing you’d bring? The Bible.
If you were at a Led Zeppelin concert, you would be: in the car, in the band, a roadie, or in the audience? I would be in the audience, enjoying the music.
What’s in your CD player? The Baddest of George Thorogood and the Destroyers.
Favourite book? The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Les Hewitt.
Favourite movie? Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase.
If you had a million dollars... I would create a self sustained campground and market garden, in a coulee.
Who’d you like to have dinner with, dead or alive? My grandpa Jack, as he was a very positive motivator in my life.
Words to live by? Live, love, laugh, learn.
If you had a time machine, where would you go? Back to 1982 and clue myself into what life is about.

Who Are You? Chris Bohnet

who-are-you-chris.gifAge: 28
Employer: Courtney-Winters Funeral Home
Job title: Funeral Director
How long have you been in Drumheller? Five months.
Where are you originally from? Redcliff.
What do you like about your work? Helping people. Being there for them at a tough time in their lives... and wearing a suit!
If you were stranded on a desert island, what do you pick; book? Spiderman Comics
CD? XM Satellite Radio.
Movie? Shaun of the Dead.
Your dream car is? Cadillac STS.
At an Iron Maiden concert, you are: onstage, a roading, in the audience, or in the car? In the audience.
If you had a million dollars...: I’d travel the world until I was broke.
If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now, what would you be doing? Racing Nascars.
What did you have for breakfast? Coffee. Two sugars, one cream.
Who would you have dinner with, dead or alive? My grandpa in his younger years. He could answer my many questions about our family history.

Who Are You? - Rachel Thompson

who-are-you-rachel.jpgAge: 24
Employer: Town of Drumheller’s Community Services Department
Job title: Community Services Coordinator
What do you like about your job? I love the variety of work involved.
Are you from Drumheller? No, Port Alberni B.C., I live in Hussar. I get to drive the amazing ride to Drumheller everyday.
Hobbies and interests? Psychology, hanging out with friends, cooking, baking, and I’m in the middle of house renovations.
Dreams and goals? One day become the Director of Community Services for Drumheller.
Favourite food?Deluxe pizza.
What’s in your CD player? Kings of Leon.
What are you reading? A Million Little Pieces.
Dream car?Highend luxury SUV.
Where in the world do you want to travel? South America to visit the beaches and see the diverse culture, and New Zealand because it looks so beautiful in pictures.
Who would you have dinner with, dead or alive? My grandmother.
What would you serve her? Turkey dinner with all the fixings.
If you had a time machine, when and where would you go?To the pioneering days, the history of Alberta is so interesting.
Words to live by?What goes around comes around.
How do you take your Tim Horton’s? Tea, black.
What would you like to see in Drumheller? The recreation facility to get approved and built.

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