Shelley Morgan, 54, competed at the Northern Alberta Bodybuilding Championships in Edmonton on June 6 in the masters divisions. She laughs that while she earned the third place trophy, there were only two others competing. She enjoyed, and learned from the event.
“It was really an amazing eye opening experience,” said Morgan.
This was her first competition, and she would like to do more in the near future now that she has more of an idea of what it takes. She says the other two competitors were very experienced, and she learned from their performance.
“I would like to do one more, to better myself,” she said.
The competition taught her about the importance of preparation.
“I’ve been there, I know what is needed,” she said.
Some of the components she is now accustomed to is the dehydration process. She also understands the competitor’s routines need to be impeccable. The next time she competes, she has a different strategy and will focus more on building her muscle mass and less on reducing body fat.