News | DrumhellerMail - Page #1329
Last updateFri, 14 Jun 2024 6pm

Cutbacks shut down Badlands Performing Arts Camp

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    After 18 years, the Badlands Performing Arts Camp has been cancelled.
    For years the camp, held at St. Anthony’s School, allowed students to earn 10 high school credits, as well as a chance to pursue acting, singing, and dancing. It has been a valuable experience for students.
    “This program has changed lives. As a 20-year teaching veteran, I don’t get many phone calls from my classroom parents, but I have done this for 16 years and every fall, parents will contact me,” said Tim Stolz who has run the camp. “This is no exaggeration, they will call and say ‘that program has just changed my kid’s life, what an incredible program.’”
    He explains that Alberta Education has gone to block crediting. This means schools are able to award a certain amount of credits for the student each year. The Badlands Performing Arts Camp was able to offer a student 10 credits. Not only was this an enticement to have the student sign up, but also Alberta Education would provide the funding based on the credits offered.
    “Students used to be able to get unlimited credits in the school. Literally, these have been cut it in half. So now my students are coming in and spending 175 hours in three weeks and can maybe get five credits and even less - when before they used to be able to get 10. A soon as that happens there is no funding,” said Stolz.
    The camp averaged about 35 students each summer and it partnered with the Rosebud School of the Arts. Each year students participated as actors in the Canadian Badlands Passion Play. This may leave a hole in the cast next year that would need to be filled.
    Stolz said that Christ the Redeemer School Division went to bat for the Badlands Performing Arts Camp, but about two months ago he received a letter stating that it was one program it would be cutting from its summer programs due to financial inviability.
 The Badlands Performing Arts Camp originated at DVSS and Stolz met with Principal Curtis LaPierre to discuss a possible future, but it didn’t work out.
    At this point he says they could turn the camp into a private program, however, the student would not get any credits, and there would not be any funding beyond the tuition from the students, making it unaffordable.
    “It is all because of Alberta Education making this change to block crediting. We cannot get funding,” said Stolz.
    “It is just a terrible situation.”

Altagas responds to Rosedale gas leak

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Altagas is in Rosedale investigating a possible gas leak.
Crews were on site Tuesday evening, January 2 investigating a report of the scent of gas. This is the same neighbourhood where a home was destroyed by a natural gas explosion in 2005.
“Someone smelled gas and they called us, that is what they are supposed to do, said Greg Johnston, president of Altagas Utilities. “We understand they have been smelling it for a couple of weeks, so it would be a lot better if people called the first time they smelled gas.”
The crew took action to find the leak and were busy Wednesday.
“In the meantime, we have dug up the gas main and squeezed it. It is a plastic main, so we can squeeze it with a large clamp (to block the line). We have isolated the main so we know there is no gas leaking,” he explains.
They have run over-ground lines to affected homes to continue their gas service while they investigate. A service technician was there overnight monitoring.
“We haven’t pinpointed it yet, we are doing some exploratory excavations,” said Johnston, Wednesday afternoon.
“We take this type of thing very seriously, we will find the leak and we will fix it.”

Morrin rallies to save arena

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    They say it takes a community to raise a child but they never said it takes a community to keep an arena open.
    The Village of Morrin and area is doing exactly that. The community has come together to raise funds for the ice plant header which is close to breaking down.
    “If we don’t have that up and running, we can’t make ice and ... it will close down, and it’s hard,” said Kendra Sommerville, treasurer of the Morrin Agriculture Society and coordinator for the new donation wall which will be displayed in the arena later on. “Usually when it’s closed it’s hard to reopen again and I think the arena is the heart of the community for Morrin and area.”
    People or individual businesses with amounts as low as $250 up to as high as $5,000 or more will have a personalized metal plaque. $250 to $500 warrants a plaque of a horse, $500 to $1,000 gets you a cow, $1,000 to $5,000 is a tractor, and the large donations of $5,000 or larger gets you a combine. All plaques will have the donors names engraved.
    A local artist will be painting a farming scene and a Drumheller blacksmith will create the plaques at a discount price.
    “We’re still trying to support the community at the same time,” said Sommerville.
    Donations have come from various events like the Duelling Pianos and Chevelles events held at the Badlands Community Facility (BCF) last year. Morrin businesses and the local school have also made noticeable contributions.
    “The Morrin School was able to raise $16,025 towards the donation as well,” said Sommerville.
    These donations have been pouring in over the last two years in preparation of the replacement. The Ag Society quickly realized over the summer that the header was ‘on its last legs’, needing to raise money at a much faster pace.
    The community has now surpassed its initial goal of $50,000 for the replacement of the header and is now sitting at the $65,000 mark. The new goal is $70,000. All of the money raised will go towards the new header and any hidden costs that may arise.
    “The community has stepped up all around and I just received notice right before Christmas that we were able to win a community foundation award of $5,000 as well so that definitely put us up to the plate,” continued Sommerville.
    The Ag Society plans to either wait until the machine finally fails or wait until the ice is out in the spring to replace the current one.
    “Over the past three months we have been able to raise a lot of money really quickly and its thanks to all the community support and their big hearts,” said Sommerville. “It’s all come together when we needed it the most.”


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