Drumheller Town Council Meetings | DrumhellerMail - Page #81
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Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting of Monday, March 6, 2017



Council Notes
From the regular meeting of Town Council
Monday, March 6, 2017

Deputy Mayor Pat Kolafa chaired the meeting in the absence of Mayor Terry Yemen, and called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m..
Council approved awarding the contract for Aquaplex renovations to Pearl Rose Construction from Red Deer, in the amount of $1,475,000. (See story, page 1.) The contract was re-tendered, and according to Infrastructure Services Director Darryl Drohomerski, more interest was shown in this tender than previous. CAO Ray Romanetz confirmed to Council that the Town had projects completed by this contractor in the past, and they were satisfied with the work performed.

Council Notes from the Committee of the Whole meeting of Monday, February 27, 2017



Committee of the Whole
Monday, Feb. 27, 2017

Deputy Mayor Lisa Hansen-Zacharuk opened the meeting.
Summer Manca, and Julia Fielding from the Drumheller Economic Advisory Committee addressed Council to provide an update on the group’s activities in 2016.
Drumheller is a member of the Central Alberta Economic Partnership whose membership comprises a number of municipalities across Central Alberta. The group provided some funding for six projects totalling $17,000, and has come up with some new guidelines for 2017.
The advisory committee has also started installation of “wayfinding signs” in the downtown core to help visitors with directions to various attractions.
Ms. Fielding also included a number of events upcoming to showcase the town and talked about the cooperation their group have with neighbouring communities and elected bodies like Kneehill County Council. She also told Council there have been a lot of changes and exchange of ideas in the time she has been with the group.
Brock Harrington from Community Futures who also is vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce, addressed Council about facilitating some new ideas at the area attractions, like encouraging youth to open businesses at the Hoodoos, or the Swinging Bridge, all designed to give the touring public a better visitor experience.
Mr. Harrington proposed a two year pilot program where micro-businesses would open and provide services to tourists, and give them training to operate the businesses. He asked for Council’s blessing to engage an aggressive timeline in order to have the package ready in time for the tourist season on June 1.
Director of Community Services Paul Salvatore provided Council with a history of public markets in Drumheller, Farmer’s Markets, and Special Events, in Drumheller, especially during the summer. Four public markets were held in 2016. There are more vendors and more ideas coming forth over time, and the Hutterite vendors selling fruits and vegetables from various parking lots, are under provincial agriculture guidelines and not handled by the Town. Permits for vendor carts cost $200, and they are required to purchase a business licence for the town. Vendors are also required to purchase liability insurance, before proceeding.

Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting of Tuesday, February 21, 2017




Council Notes
Regular Council Meeting of Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Patrick Kolafa was sworn in as Deputy Mayor for the months of March and April, 2017.


Judy Quintin-Arvidson of community services addresses council about Wear Pink day to bring awareness to bullying, Wednesday, February 22.


Council held a Public Hearing to consider re-designating the land use of a lot in East Coulee from the existing Urban Transition District to a Suburban Community Residential District. Palliser Regional Municipal Services made a presentation that outlined the objectives and policies in regards to re-zoning this land.

Council approved its utility supported operating budget which shows a deficit of $306,350.

Council then moved onto the approval of 2017 Tax Supported Operating Budget. Motion was carried to approve the 2017 Operating Budget with a 0% increase to property taxes with a transfer of approximately $120,000 from accumulated surplus.

Councillor Jay Garbutt brought forward three topics not discussed yet during the meeting. This was to direct some of the Town’s accumulated surplus for Hope College, to contract services for Economic Development and for a theming program for the valley.


Council moved onto discussions regarding adopting the proposed Capital Plan. The Capital Budget was accepted by council. The Capital Plan calls for new project funding of $13,495,474, including $7.43 million for flood mitigation projects.


Second and third readings of the Water and Wastewater bylaw were completed. The Water and Wastewater Bylaw is a bylaw regulating and providing for the terms, conditions, rates, and charges for the supply and use of water services and wastewater services provided by the Town of Drumheller.


Council accepted the renewal of the safety policy already in place.


Director of Infrastructure Services, Darryl Drohomerski, addressed council about the snow removal and ice control strategy. Drohomerski highlighted some changes to the strategy, which included areas where roads had been extended and where the amount of traffic has increased. Council motioned to approve this updated strategy. Council then accepted the strategy.


Director of Corporate Services, Barbara Miller, spoke to council about the 2016 year end, Reserve Account Balances. Council approved the reallocation of $2,642,445.32 of unrestricted reserves to restricted reserve in order to ensure that reserve balances have adequate balances to fund 2017 capital budget. This decision was able to keep property taxes from increasing and to keep the budget balanced for 2017.


Council accepted the amendment to the bylaw regarding lot in East Coulee that was earlier discussed during the Public Hearing.

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