Drumheller Town Council Meetings | DrumhellerMail - Page #5
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Council Notes from the Regular Meeting Monday, December 18, 2023


Council Overview
Information from Drumheller Town Council Regular Council Meeting
Monday, December 18, 2023

Drumheller Mayor Heather Colberg opened the meeting and passed the floor to Councillor’s Tom Zariski and Crystal Sereda who both extended their many thanks to the students and communities for taking part in the Senior’s Christmas Dinner and the Rails to Trails Community Christmas Party.
Councilman Pat Kolafa was sworn in as Deputy Mayor for the months of January and February, taking over from the previous Deputy Mayor Stephanie Price.
Council approved the December 4th, 2023 regular council meeting minutes as presented and the 2024 Council and Committee meeting schedule.
Mayor Colberg presented the request for a decision that the Town of Drumheller continue to participate in the creation of a Mid-Size Towns Mayor Caucus. It will be made up of Mayors of small towns such as Olds, Carstairs and Three Hills. This is for these communities to explore joint opportunities and help each other out and share ideas. The Mayors Caucus Initiative was carried.
Council moves to give second and third readings of North Drumheller Berm ‘C’ Grove Plaza - MR Removal Bylaw. This is the berm behind the Travelodge, and part of that land is on municipal reserve. This motion was carried.
Council approved a motion to approve the resolution and expropriation and notice of intention to expropriate portion of a lot in Nacmine for flood mitigation.
Council passed third reading of its 2024 Capital Budget and 10 year capital plan. The budget includes 33 projects exceeding $4.5 million, of which approximately $1 million will be funded by the capital grants from the federal and provincial government initiatives. Council also passed its 2024 Utility Rate Bylaw.
Motion was passed by council to purchase a new loader for $306,200 excluding GST.
Council continues debates for the Paid Parking Pilot Review with more on going discussions that need to take place.

Complete minutes from council meetings can be found on www.drumheller.ca once they have been adopted.

Council Notes from Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday, December 11, 2023


Council Overview
Information from Drumheller Town Council Committee of the Whole Meeting
Monday, December 11, 2023

Drumheller Mayor Heather Colberg opened the meeting and reminded residents of The Salvation Army Kettle Campaign which is currently ongoing.
Denise Lines presented council with the 2024 Council and Committee meeting schedule and noted the Committee of the Whole meetings over the summer have been pulled from the schedule; previously these meetings have been cancelled.
The schedule will be brought forward for final approval at the next council meeting.
Drumheller RCMP Detachment Commander Staff Sergeant Rob Harms presented council with the second quarterly report. He noted RCMP has been testing body-worn cameras, however, the camera selected has not met expectations and a second choice will be brought forward in the second phase of this testing.
Public engagement has been an ongoing highlight over the last quarter, with several town hall meetings held, including in Drumheller and surrounding communities, and a community barbecue over the summer which was well attended; public engagement is one of the policing priorities outlined for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
Criminal code offences have decreased 44 per cent, with a 50 per cent reduction in property crime and a 31 per cent reduction in persons-based crimes over the last quarter.
He acknowledged a multi-year financial plan which outlines upcoming financial impacts.
Director of Corporate and Community Services Victoria Chan presented council with the 2024 Capital Budget and 10-year Capital Plan; the Capital Plan only reflects Public Works as the 2024 Capital Plan for water and wastewater was previously approved by council.
There are a total of 32 projects totalling $4.43 million outlined in the 2024 capital budget; an estimated $1 million of this will be funded through capital grants from provincial and federal levels of government.
It is anticipated this will require a three per cent increase in general tax revenue from 2023.
Council adjourned to a closed session.

Complete minutes from council meetings can be found on
www.drumheller.ca once they have been adopted.

Council Notes of the Regular Meeting Monday, November 20, 2023


Council Overview
Information from Drumheller Town Council Regular Council Meeting
Monday, November 20, 2023

Drumheller Mayor Heather Colberg opened the meeting and made some opening announcements. Councillor Tom Zariski announced the Festival of Trees at the Badlands Community Facility (BCF) on Friday, November 24 and the Festival of Lights on Saturday, November 25 in downtown Drumheller.
Council approved a request from a resident to waive a portion of the municipal taxes for a property located at 1100 2 Avenue West, which was partially destroyed by a house fire in August of this year. Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Darryl Drohomerski explained a letter was received from the occupants requesting that the municipal portion of the property tax roll be waived from September 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 as the property has been uninhabitable for an extensive period of time. The improvement portion of the structure is valued at $208,000 with the waived portion estimated at approximately $604.92; the property owner will still be responsible for an estimated $3,121.83 of the total 2023 tax notice.
Council approved resolution for expropriation for a total of five properties located in the community of Lehigh. Flood Resiliency Program project director Deighen Blakely explained a study in early 2022 concluded berm construction was not considered a viable option to protect the community in the event of a flood event. Residents of the community were notified in January 2022 and negotiations for floodway buyouts have been ongoing between landowners and land agents.
Resolution approving expropriation was passed by council in August 2023 and Notice of Intention to Expropriate was served to landowners of the affected properties.
Council approved the abatement of 25 per cent of the 2022 municipal property taxes for a business located at 382 Centre Street under the Non-Residential Development Incentive Program bylaw. Economic Development manager Reg Johnston explained council passed bylaw for a development incentive program for non-residential businesses in January 2020 which allows for the abatement of up 50 per cent of the first year’s municipal taxes, pro-rated from the business opening, and 25 per cent in the second year; an application from the business owner was received in October 2023.
He noted, as the property was created through a subdivision in 2021, no taxes were levied in 2021, and in the second year the total municipal taxes were $2,127.47 resulting in an abatement of $531.87 at the 25 per cent abatement rate. This will be applied as a credit in the 2024 tax year.
Council adjourned to a closed session prior to opening the public hearing.
CAO Drohomerski explained there were a number of property boundary inconsistencies in the Grove Plaza berm area which required resolution. Some of the parcel was designated as a municipal reserve and, in order to make changes, this status must be removed. There were no presenters scheduled to speak at the hearing either remotely or in person; there was one question submitted which CAO Drohomerski was able to answer prior to the meeting, but no other written submissions were received.
Council approved a 20 year land lease for a parcel of land in North Drumheller on Bridge Street, south of The Old Grouch’s, which is owned by an estate. The land would be leased by the Town for park land, which could be used as a community garden or other passive garden space, similar to Munchie Park in downtown Drumheller; there is significant hydrocarbon contamination on this land as it was previously a service station. This lease agreement would pass down to heirs of the estate.

Complete minutes from council meetings can be found on www.drumheller.ca once they have been adopted.

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