council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting of Monday, October 2, 2017 | DrumhellerMail
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council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting of Monday, October 2, 2017




Town of Drumheller Council Notes for Monday, October 2


Monday’s meeting was the first official Council Meeting for newly appointed CAO Darryl Drohomerski, who takes over from recently retired Ray Romanetz.
Mayor Terry Yemen read a proclamation, naming Friday, October 6, as World Cerebral Palsy Day.
Council passed a motion to cancel the Monday, October 16, 2017, regular council meeting, as this is Municipal Election Day in Alberta.
Five members of the Economic Development Advisory Committee attended council to provide information on how they intend to sell the benefits of starting and maintaining a business in Drumheller. The Committee wanted to make sure they were dispensing the proper information to prospective businesses and was desirous to make sure that information was what council wanted the committee to develop and send out. Councillor Garbutt asked the question of the committee if there was enough money given to them to do their job. The committee is desirous of hiring a person to do cold calling and making contacts in the amount of $20,000, equalling one-half of the budgeted amount.
Both council and the committee members were in agreement that there is a lot of work to be done on economic development.
Mike Hansen from the Stampede and Agricultural committee also attended council to explain the role of the committee and their activities specifically geared to bringing people to Drumheller. Mr. Hansen told council that roughly 15% of the attendees at the car racing events his committee stages are locals, and that 85% are visitors bringing both race cars and people to the valley. According to Mr. Hansen, the NDP government had threatened to cancel provincial grants to societies, but it became known that provincial grants had been given to Calgary and Edmonton exhibitions, and thus the grants (approximately $20,000 to $24,000) had been restored for this year. Mayor Yemen asked if it was possible to button up the building in the winter to save costs, and the reply was that it was decided not to do so, as the building could start to deteriorate. There are a few groups holding activities in the barn in the off season and the SAM RV club also plans to come to the grounds in 2018 to camp.
Due to the recent retirement of CAO Ray Romanetz, council moved to ask CAO Darryl Drohomerski to sit as Drumheller’s representative on the board of Drumheller and District
Solid Waste Management Association.
Council dealt with two land issues where the Town was desirous to clean up some longstanding property line matters on two lots in Rosedale, and the associated utility lines that are in place. By-law 11-17 was passed, with no objection to three readings at one council meeting by any councillors.
Council will hold a public auction of 10 properties located in Drumheller, which are in arrears in their taxes with the town. This is a normal practice for such properties and for the most part, the arrears are usually paid prior to the actual sale of the property. An auction is slated for January 26, 2018..
Council passed a motion which allowed Drumheller to hold the election for the Golden Hills Public School Division trustee on October 16, 2017, at the same time as the other municipal elections. This is usually done as a matter of convenience, but the move does require a duly passed by-law, (16-17).

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