COUncil Notes from the Regular Council Meeting of Tuesday, October 10 2017; | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

COUncil Notes from the Regular Council Meeting of Tuesday, October 10 2017;








Due to the absence of Mayor Terry Yemen, the meeting was chaired by Deputy Mayor Tom Zariski.
Councillors provided updates on the committees to which they were appointed previously, as this was the final meeting of the current council prior to the Municipal Election coming up on Monday, October 16.
Deputy Mayor Zariski publicly thanked both former CAO Ray Romanetz, and Mayor Yemen for their work on behalf of the Town, and also thanked his fellow councillors for their hard work on behalf of the citizens of Drumheller.
Councillor Kolafa reported on the improvements done to the Drumheller Airport, namely, crack filling on the runway, and installation of a cardlock fuel system at the airport to allow pilots to have 24 hour access to fuel to fill their aircraft.
Councillor Hansen-Zacharuk asked if it had ever been discussed on holding drag races on the airport when it is closed. Mr. Kolafa did say that it is possible to hold racing in various forms, but the commission has not been approached in that regard.
Councillors Zariski and Shoff led a discussion on the Municipal Planning Commission and it’s role, plus the members of the current Commission and the expertise they offer to the decision-making of planning and the rules by which they are governed.
Councillor Hansen-Zacharuk suggested that each councillor sit on the MPC for at least one year during their term.
Councillor Kolafa reported on the Solid Waste Management Association, saying revenues have fallen, mainly due to the absence of activity from the energy sector, but activity at the site had been enjoying a slight increase of late. Councillor Zariski made a comment about the recycling programs offered by the site, but suggested more information could be circulated to help residents understand that the only segment that makes money for the association, is the cardboard return program. It was also suggested by Councillor Shoff that some residents had contacted her about how recycling of glass works, and that currently glass from the landfill is returned to a plant in Calgary.
Councillor Kolafa then gave an update on another board he sits on as a town representative, the Public Library Board. The library is doing well, there was a lot of outreach projects to the community over the summer months. He noted that Hussar lost their library after the school closed in June, and Chinook Credit Union is handling some requests and services to the public. The free memberships offered by the Library honouring Canada 150, proved to be a popular program, but probably would not continue in the future. He highlighted that Drumheller pays over $80,000 into the Marigold Library System, and receives some $144,000 in value from the regional system.
Councillor Shoff made a report from Community Futures and said they had been busy with loan repayments of late and they have a meeting coming up this week. Community Futures works with prospective business developers to create business plans, and then possibly help with financing of new business locating in the area.
Councillor Zariski informed council on how the Community Advisory Committee functions and their liaison with the local police detachment. He also spoke about the Policing Committee and how they work with the RCMP members. They have compiled a survey asking for input from citizens on how policing is done in Drumheller. Mr. Zariski remarked that the Citizens on Patrol, the volunteers who patrol at night to help keep the town safer by conducting patrols and contacting authorities if any questionable activity is witnessed by members.
Councillor Hansen-Zacharuk provided a report on recent activities of Hope College, and the fact that they have moved to a smaller, downtown location. They have 11 students currently registered in a massage therapy program, with two on a wait list. They are also working on a college prep program to prepare students for entry into college programs.
Councillor Zariski gave an update on the Drumheller and District Seniors Foundation, and how they want to take a step back and meet with the foundation’s other partners, to possibly redefine their role and how best to serve the needs of the senior community. He said that there is a variety of senior’s housing options available in the valley and asked if the options there are what is really needed by today’s seniors.
He commented that the Heritage Steering committee had been assisting the East Coulee School museum in their goals of late and their funding projects are underway. Mr. Zariski named the Drumheller Armouries as possibly the next heritage building that the committee could assist for the future re-development.

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