Welcome to DVSS | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 14 Feb 2025 10am

Welcome to DVSS

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Drumheller Valley Secondary School opened its doors to the first wave of students to enter the newly named and renovated building on Tuesday morning. The Mail enjoyed a tour of the building with Principal Curtis LaPierre as students and staff were adjusting to the new setting.

1. A skyward view of the new library, with Lillian the Albertosaurus poised in the centre, on loan from the Royal Tyrrell Museum.. 2.Principal Curtis LaPierre welcomes the students at DVSS's first assembly  3. LaPierre and Vice Principal Brad Teske pictured in front of the first group of students.  4. LaPierre shows off the 68 computers in the schools lab, beside the library.  5. Every classroom in the school is now equipped with interactive SmartBoards, which allow teachers to use computers as a tool of instruction. 6. DVSS will offer a welding program, with a journeyman being brought in to instruct students on how to use the stations, pictured here. 7. Pictured is the woodworking shop, still a work in progress.


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