Colleen debuts soft country rock with Looking at Love | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 14 Feb 2025 10am

Colleen debuts soft country rock with Looking at Love


    With the album arriving last Friday, Drumheller has yet another artist to call its own with the release of soft-rock artist Colleen’s debut album, Looking At Love.

    Moving to the valley in March, the singer hasn’t been here long but prepares to make Drumheller the base of her operations as discs are shipped and gigs planned.
    Colleen Doey, 42, has been writing music since she was a teenager, but waited until now to actually get her songs pressed.
    “My family came first, I was writing on the side. Now they’re teenagers and they say it’s time to go for this full-time job and work away from the coast,” said Colleen, originally from British Columbia.
    “Who says your 40’s have to be depressing.”
    The album is a soft-rock endeavour cut from country roots, with the rock and roll sound coming from collaborating guitarist Rodgrigo Figueroa.
    Colleen describes it as “a little bit of Jewel Jesse Farell and Olivia Newton-John.”
    “Dreams never expire” is the theme she says runs throughout the album, “what you have dreamed of all your life, there is no reason why you can’t do it,” an idea she is living with the release of this independent album.
    “My favourite song would be the cover song, Looking at Love. It’s about when you finally see and love yourself as you really are, then you can learn to truly love someone else.”
    Proceeds from two of the album’s songs, Morgan’s Angel and Ishan’s Garden, will be donated to support her adopted Sri Lankan child Ishan and a scholarship in her nephew’s name.
    The mother of two has yet to sell the discs in town, but cuts from the album are available on her website, and will eventually be on CDBaby.
    Shows are being planned for after the Christmas rush, as well as a CD release party.

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