Goodwill at St. Anthony’s finds humane society funds | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Goodwill at St. Anthony’s finds humane society funds


    Jaiden Lal’s love of animals was turned into a meaningful contribution to Drumheller’s humane society through the Goodwill Project at St. Anthony’s school last week.

    Through Lal’s idea for a Cutest Pet contest at the school, which pitted student’s pets against each other for the top title of animal cutedom, $245 was raised for the Drumheller and District Humane Society.
    “I’ve been to the kennel before, and I knew they would love to use new stuff,” said Lal, 12, who had also collected money for the society last Christmas.
    Students paid $2 to enter photos of their pets into the contest, and each student paid 25 cent to vote for the best in three categories: cutest dog, cutest cat, and cutest other pet.
    “The goal of the project is to contribute to the community, whether locally or globally,” said Lal’s homeroom teacher Jay Mulgrew.
    “It was very sweet of them,” says society member Peggie Ginger. “It’s very appreciated, especially in the winter.”
    Although very much appreciated, $245 is far from alleviating the society of necessary expenses such as monthly vet bills – amounting to an average of $1,000 a month, even with a half off discount at the clinic, says Ginger.
    “Anything is appreciated,” says Ginger, adding that a percentage of funds raised is put into savings for a bigger shelter in the far future.
    Right now, there are 36 animals in temporary foster homes. The humane society also puts out food for the numerous stray pets roaming Drumheller’s streets.
    Just last week, Ginger says, the society found three kittens in a box behind the Waldorf Hotel in Drumheller’s downtown– one of them was missing a leg.
    “Every little bit helps.”

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