New council appointed to community boards | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Feb 2025 5pm

New council appointed to community boards


    At the new council’s meeting on Monday, new and returning councillors and a newly elected mayor were sworn into serve Drumheller for the next three years.
    Along with new and returning faces filling the director seats of Drumheller, members of council were appointed to fill boards.

    Councillor Doug Stanford was appointed to the Airport Commission, and will be joined by five public at large. He was also appointed to the Ambulance board.
    Returning councillors Sharel Shoff and Andrew Berdahl will sit on the Municipal Planning Commission beside five public at large.
    Sharel Shoff was also appointed to the Palliser Regional Municipal Services board.
    New mayor Terry Yemen will serve on the Drumheller Chamber of Commerce board, as well as the Police Committee, Crime Stoppers, and Red Deer River Municipal Users Group boards.
    Jay Garbutt and CAO Ray Romanetz will serve on the Drumheller and District Solid Waste Management Association’s board.
    Councillor Tom Zariski and Director of Infrastructure Services Allan Kendrick were appointed to the Valley Bus Society board.
    The Drumheller Public Library,  Communities in Bloom, and Drumheller Agriculture and Stampede boards will see Lisa Hansen-Zacharuk serving on all three boards.
    Returning councillor Andrew Berdahl will sit on the Community Futures board.
    Zariski was appointed to both the RCMP Community Advisory Committee and Drumheller and District Seniors Foundation boards.
    Garbutt will sit among four public at large on the Drumheller Housing Administration board.
    Both Zariski and Garbutt will serve on the Sub-division and Development Appeal boards.
    Stanford, Zariski, and Berdahl will take seat on the Disaster Service Committee.
    Stanford and Garbutt will also serve on the Community Standards Appeal Committee, amongst three members of the public.
    Shoff, Stanford, and Hansen-Zacharuk will serve on the Assessment Review Board with two members of the public.
    Yemen and Shoff were appointed to the Economic Development Task Force.
    The Kneehill Regional Water Services Steering Committee will see Yemen and Garbutt serving.
    Yemen and Berdahl were also appointed to the Revitalization Corporation board on Monday.
    Member of the public Shawn Francis was appointed to the Muncipal Planning Commission.
    Jerry Brett, Karen Ann Bertamini, and Don Guidolin were appointed to the Sub-division and Development Appeal Board.
    Appointments were made to the Badlands Community Facility Fundraising Cabinet – Jeff Hall, Elson McDougald, Koren McDougald, Shallyn Schinnour, Bob Sheddy, and Patsy Stokalko were appointed.

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