Count the libraries of Drumheller | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

Count the libraries of Drumheller

    How many libraries does Drumheller have?
    The answer may surprise you, there’s more than the obvious Drumheller Public Library.     October is Canadian Library Month, and in celebration of the vital role libraries play in the community, the public library in partnership with Alberta Law Libraries, a contest is being hosted.
    With the reliability on sites like wikipedia, the benefits of libraries can be understated. Accurate and quality information can sometimes only be found by leafing through pages in libraries, and the internet does not provide knowledgeable librarians who make a living through their exceptional research skills.
    Make count of the libraries of Drumheller and submit your answers to, or drop them off at the Drumheller Public Library or the Law Library at the Drumheller Court House to be entered into a draw for a prize package.

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