Water rate complaint heard by Alberta Utilities Commission | DrumhellerMail
Last updateThu, 13 Feb 2025 10am

Water rate complaint heard by Alberta Utilities Commission

    A hearing was underway yesterday at the Drumheller Court House in regards to how the Town of Drumheller bills for water.
    Anthony Audia, owner of Greenwood Villa Mobile Home Park, spurred the action. He filed a complaint to the Alberta Utilities Commission, stating the changes to the utility rate are discriminatory.
Under the changes introduced by the Town of Drumheller, each unit in an apartment complex or in a manufactured home park will be charged the $10 fixed rate for water, and $10 fixed rate for waste water. With 110 units on his property, Audia said his monthly bill increased by $2,200, a cost he will have to pass on to the residents of the trailer court.
    It is written into the Municipal Government Act that a resident can appeal to the commission and it can rule if the billing for the utility service does not conform to the public utility rate structure established by the municipality, has been improperly imposed, or is discriminatory.
    Council passed the new Utility Rate Bylaw on January 18, 2010.

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