New garbage carts distribution to start June 21 in Drumheller | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

New garbage carts distribution to start June 21 in Drumheller

    They are big, come with wheels and are charcoal grey, and will be delivered to your doorstep soon.
    From June 21, new garbage carts will be distributed to Drumheller residents in preparation for the new automated waste collection, expected to go live the first week of July.
    As well as improving waste collection efficiency and reducing worker compensation costs, this new system is said to be a cleaner, safer and more economically viable one.
    An automatic system also provides a safer and less physically demanding work environment for collectors.
    With the carts, residents will receive a hand delivered information pack explaining the new process in detail and particularly showing the correct placement for the carts.
    As the pickup system will be automated, carts need to have a one meter (3 ft) clearance on both sides and at least half a metre (1.6 ft) clearance at the back and should be placed at the usual area on the current collection day.
    Carts will be free of charge and are the property of the Town of Drumheller.
    They are fitted with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, which will help identify them and log their collections, although the appropriate reading equipment has not been finalized yet.
    Residents will be responsible for the replacement cost of $100 if they are damaged or lost through the result of negligence. To prevent loss or damage, residents are advised to store the carts on their property at the end of the collection day and to make a note of the serial number found on the carts. Replacement parts, such as wheels or lid, can be obtained from the Town of Drumheller. 
    Collection days and pick up locations will remain the same, and carts will need to be wheeled out by 7 a.m.
    Delivery of the new carts is expected to be completed by the end of June and residents are advised to contact the Town of Drumheller if they are still without carts by then.
    During the distribution process, residents will get the opportunity to discuss any accessibility issues, and further information can be found on the town’s website or by contacting 403-823-1358.

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