Low Numbers at Facility Tender Opening | DrumhellerMail
Last updateThu, 16 Jan 2025 3pm

Low Numbers at Facility Tender Opening


Surprisingly low tender figures were the result of the tender document opening at Town Council Chambers Wednesday afternoon.
Shortly after 2 p.m., town CAO Ray Romanetz opened the tenders, along with project architect David Edmunds.
As previously reported, 9 tenders were received for the Badlands Community Facility, a multi-use building that is the first phase in a two phase project.
Original estimates for the project ranged between 23 million dollars to 24 million dollars, and tender amounts listed below came in considerably lower than those estimates.
The tenders are now scrutinized by the town’s staff, project managers, and the architectural firm, to ensure that all information contained in the bids is correct and in line with the tender information.
Tender amounts in order of lowest to highest are as follows:
Dawson Wallace Construction                 13,725,000.00
Byrd Construction                                   14,074,000.00
Dominion Construction                            14,149,000.00
CANA Construction                                  14,444,000.00
Ledcor Construction                                14,537,000.00
Lear Construction Management                14,698,800.00
Keller Construction                                  14,895,379.00
Westcor Construction                              14,920,000.00
Clark Builders                                         14,987,000.00
Lear Construction is currently doing the renovation work on the Composite High School in Drumheller.
GST amounts are also included in the bidding.
Once the tenders are examined, a recommendation will be made to Drumheller Town Council as to who will win the contract, probably within 2 weeks.
If deemed necessary, Mayor Nimmo could also call a special council meeting to deal with the matter.

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