Last Dance for Hussar School | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Last Dance for Hussar School

On Friday, June 5, the last five graduates of Hussar School will lead ‘The Last Dance’ at the Community Hall, as the school will become a kindergarten to Grade 8 next school year. “It’s heart-wrenching,” says graduate and 13 year student of Hussar, Ty Brinton. “Even though it’s exciting to graduate, it is a little more emotional. It’s just the fact that no one else will be able to, and we are the last ones.”
“We’ve had a wonderful class, and as always we are sad to see them go,” said Hussar Principal Ellen McLane, “next year will be very different for us.”
Valedictorian for the Class of 2009 is Angela Treacy. Closing ceremonies for the class are to be held Friday, June 5, 7:00 p.m. at the Hussar Community Hall. Fittingly, the theme is ‘The Last Dance’.
From the outside, Hussar School looks similar to when it was opened for the 1949-1950 school term. As well with four classrooms, it contained a gymnasium, home economics room, and playroom in its lower level. This building is still in service as the elementary area of the school.
The first complete Grade 12 class graduated from the school in the mid ‘50’s, according to the book Hussar Heritage: Through the Years in Hussar and Surrounding District. There was not always a graduating class, as some years students decided to learn in Drumheller to receive courses unavailable in Hussar, or were bussed to Standard.
In 1958, a new wing was completed and added to the existing facilities– three general classrooms, a typing room, science room, and a large gymnasium and stage.
In Drumheller, where DCHS sees close to one hundred graduates every year, Hussar’s five grad Class of 2009 comes with advantages, says Brinton.
“We are a family, everyone here is my brother and my sister. In school we also get a lot of hands on time, with the small classes.”
“There isn’t one memory I remember, there’s quite a few. It was a good time,” Brinton says. “I want to thank the teachers and parents, for the many years I was there, and even the ones I wasn’t. It was a great 13 years, and Hussar School will be missed.”
Old photos are from the book  Hussar Heritage: Through the Years in Hussar and Surrounding District.

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