Man fears for life following 'unprovoked' attack on Sunday | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

Man fears for life following 'unprovoked' attack on Sunday

    A man living in Drumheller feels his life is still in danger after surviving an attack that left him with a severely wounded face.

    Drumheller RCMP responded to a complaint of a stabbing at a local residence during the evening of May 10. According to police, a disagreement ensued between two acquaintances who were consuming liquor together. This resulted in allegations that one of the men wielded a piece of broken glass, badly wounding the second about the face.

    The victim of the alleged attack escaped the residence and managed to walk to 3rd Avenue West where his injuries were noticed by a resident who called 911. The trail of blood was traced back to the residence where the incident occurred and one man was arrested.
    John Wormgoor says he is lucky to be alive after the incident and says he is still fearful for his life. He says the incident was unprovoked.
    “I was that close to death,” said Wormgoor. “I am fearful for my life. I think he wants to finish the job off.”
     Wormgoor says he hardly knew the man who allegedly attacked him. He spent the night at the Drumheller Health Centre. Even a day after the attack his face bears the wounds inflicted.
    One side of his face is swollen from where he says he hit the cement after being knocked down. He said doctors told him he had 10 stab wounds, and if one of his injuries to his neck were a half-inch deeper, it may have been fatal.
    Alexander Sam, 47, is charged with aggravated assault and assault with a weapon. He is to appear in provincial court in Drumheller on May 22, 2009.

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