Makowecki finally sees Morgan Jayne Project at work | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Makowecki finally sees Morgan Jayne Project at work

fred.jpgAfter two years of building the Morgan Jayne Project, Fred Makowecki has finally made his way south to the Island of Roatan in Honduras to see the project in action.
    The Morgan Jayne Project supplies infant formula to the children of mothers with HIV and AIDS in the Roatan to help stop the spread of the disease from mother to child through breast milk. The program, named after Makowecki’s daughter who died suddenly, has saved lives and caught the imagination of Drumheller residents.

    Makowecki, accompanied by Dan Dannhauer, made the trek on November 15 with a shipment of Christmas presents for children who use Familias Saludables, founded by Canadian Valerie Nelson, the clinic that administers the Morgan Jayne Project.
    He made an exclusive dispatch to The Drumheller Mail while in Honduras.
    "In this short note I have to tell you The Morgan Jayne Project is so much more than I could have ever imagined,” he told The Mail via e-mail.
    Makowecki recounts travelling through the streets and seeing the adverse conditions many of the people live in. But he also saw hope, brought on by the generosity of Drumhellerites.
    “We met families and children who are alive because of the project,” he said. “We saw toys given to families as checkups were done and medication administered. These people are amazing and so grateful for the help Drumheller has given. We were sought out by business people who wanted to meet us...we were the people who have saved hundreds of babies from dying.”
    “I get it, wow, do I ever get it," he said.
     Makowecki was given the trip by Paula Peake, a Morgan Jayne Project volunteer who herself has travelled to Honduras to see the project. She decided it was time he saw how the program is making an impact on the ground. He will be returning from Honduras later this week.
    “Please tell everyone that we are really, absolutely, with no hesitation, making a huge impact on this poor island.”

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