Locally shot series inks distribution deal | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Locally shot series inks distribution deal

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    A comedic web series that shot in the valley last spring will now be seen by eyes all over the world with a new distribution deal.
    In June Alberta based Numera Films was in the valley shooting Abracadavers. The company has inked a distribution deal with Zombie Orpheus Entertainment to see the series distributed on Amazon Prime, iTunes and The Fantasy Network in the United States, U.K, Japan, and Germany starting on January 1.
“Abracadavers was our largest undertaking as filmmakers and as a company,” says one of the producers Griffin Cork, “and we could not be happier with its journey.”
The series is based around a young man named Chris, whose mom died in a freak hair salon chair accident. and has since had an attachment to the chair responsible for her death. Gabriel, his closest friend, believes this is more than an obsession and along with their group of friends, kidnaps him on a trip. On the road-trip, everyone discovers, as Chris had previously begun to expect, the salon chair gives those close to it superpowers.
    Chris learns he is struggling with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and learns, along with his friends, that dealing with super-human abilities is sometimes easier to grapple with than what’s going on in your mind.
    The series that was supported by the Calgary Film Centre and Telus’ STORYHIVE Program has been well received and has 35 awards and nominations to its credit, including the best web series at the Los Angeles Film Awards and the Alberta Media Production Industries Rosie Awards.  
The series was shot throughout Alberta including Drumheller and Sylvan Lake.
    The series is available in Canada on the Fantasy Network, iTunes in Canada and Telus’s Optik TV.

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