Downtown community helps make utility bill bearable for Pioneer Trail Center | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Downtown community helps make utility bill bearable for Pioneer Trail Center

    Three local businesses pitched in to help the Pioneer Trail Centre lower their utility bill.

    The Pioneer Trail Centre saw a marked increase in their water and wastewater bill under the new framework introduced this year, which charges for the different sizes of water meters.
    Before the Pioneer Trail Centre inhabited the property, it was Jimmie’s Groceteria, which required higher volumes of water. The building has a Class Two sized water meter, which brings with it an extra $75 charge for water and $35 for wastewater.
    Pioneer Trail Centre approached The Town of Drumheller to ask the town to pay to reduce the size of their water meter. Going from a 1.5-inch meter, to a standard residential sized, under one-inch meter would save the centre about $89 per month. Council denied the request.
    Earlier this year, Len Morse faced a similar situation. He owns a downtown property, and saw a marked increase on his bill because of his meter size. He understood the situation faced by the centre and offered to help. John Shoff of Reality Bytes and Century 21 also pitched in. They each donated $100 to help purchase a smaller water meter.
    This will help the Pioneer Trail Centre, which has provided services and recreation for seniors since the late 1970s.

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