Arm wrestlers experience 10th anniversary of 9/11 | DrumhellerMail
Last updateThu, 19 Sep 2024 5pm

Arm wrestlers experience 10th anniversary of 9/11

    Two corrections officers from the Drumheller Institution had a firsthand experience with the first responders who served the City of New York following 9/ 11.

    Curtis Lautermilch and Patrick Rehill are avid arm wrestlers and competed in this year’s World Police and Fire Games. They were held in New York City this year to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the day the World Trade Centre was obliterated by the largest terrorist attack on the United States.
    The games ran from August 25 to September 5, and had more than 15,000 participants competing. The games carried two themes: Remembrance of those lost on September 11, 2001 and an opportunity for all New Yorkers to express gratitude for the international support that flooded into New York City. To do this, they held a candlelight vigil and a thank you ceremony.
    Rehill won gold in his category for both arms, and Lautermilch won bronze for both arms. However, this was by far not the most significant part of the event.
    The two went to ground zero and met people who served on that fateful day.
    Lautermilch relayed a story of meeting a firefighter who was at ground zero on the tragic day.
    “He was by the second tower of the World Trade Centre when it collapsed, some debris hit him breaking his hip and severely injuring his leg, forcing his retirement,” said Lautermilch.
    On that day, 34 members of this firefighter’s battalion were killed and only six were recovered. His battalion chief led a group of firefighters up to the 80th floor of one of the towers and were in the structure when it collapsed.
    “I missed the medal ceremony talking to this guy and do not regret it for one second,” said Lautermilch. “When I told him he is one of the most remarkable people I have ever met, he very humbly stated we should ‘honour all the people who died that day by never forgetting.’ ”

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