Who Are You? | DrumhellerMail - Page #113
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Who Are You? - Neslon Smith

who-are-you-nelson-bw.jpgAge: 25
Employer: Century 21
Job title: Realtor
Do you like your job, and what do you like about it? Yes I do, it gives me the chance to meet lots of new people and to help them find a house
Hobbies and interests? Golf, soccer, hockey, reading, video games
What’s a good book you’ve recently read? Outlies by Malcom Gladwell
Dreams or goals? Marry Amanda Bynes, and to travel
Where in the world would you travel? Probably take a long road trip and watch an NHL game in all 30 cities
Favourite NHL team? Colorado Avalanche
Favourite food? Deluxe pizza, the more stuff the better. Except pineapple. I question why people do that
Favourite movie? Goodwill Hunting, The Simpsons Movie. Both Ghostbusters movies are pretty funny and Office Space is a classic
Favourite music? Weezer, The Killers, Jimmy Eat World, The Arcade Fire, Queen
If you had a time machine, where and when would go? Travel back 26 years to warn my parents what they were getting into
If you were on a desert island, what would be the one thing you’d bring? My laptop with an internet connection
If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who? Warren Buffett because I could learn a lot from him
Favourite quote? “You’ll have to speak up, I’m wearing a towel”
What would be your last words? I had a good run

Who Are You? - Nigel Tchir

nigel-tchir.jpgAge: 19
Employer: Extra Foods
Job title: Assistant Grocery Manager
Hobbies and interests? Computers, hockey, hardcore gambling, soccer.
Dreams or goals? Own a comic book store, because I like to geek out and read graphic novels and play with cards.
Favourite food? Canned beans, right out of the can and sour candies. And don’t forget bananas.
Favourite band? The Killers.
If you could travel anywhere, where
would you go?
Tokyo, because they have a lot of crazy technology there and there is always stuff going on.
If you had a time machine, where and when would you go? 1,000 years into the future, on Mars. And hopefully my head wouldn’t explode like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s did in Total Recall.
Dream car? A blue Subaru Impreza with gold rims. Nothing too fancy.
What’s your favourite game right now? NHL 09.
If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who? My girlfriend, Skye. We’d eat pepperoni and bacon pizza.
Who is your idol? Billy Idol, because he is a punk rocker who doesn’t worry what other people think of him.
Favourite quote? Either “boom, headshot” or “oh that dog of mine” from a Family Guy episode.
Favourite movie? That is a tough one, probably Superbad or Eurotrip.
Last words? Please go back to the top of this article and re-read it.

Who Are You? - Lindsay Piller

Who Are YouAge: 27
Employer: Riverside Drug Mart
Title: Pharmacist
What do you like about your job? I like the people I work with and the customers are nice.
What made you want to get into pharmaceuticals? It was by default. I was always interested in medicine but did not want to go to school for 10 more years and become a doctor.
When did you move to Drumheller? In July, from Regina.
Do you miss Saskatchewan? I missed it when we had a late snowfall. I love the snow, we get a lot of it in Saskatchewan, we are bred for the winter.
Hobbies and interests? Don’t want to sound like an old lady, but cross stitching. I also read a lot and snowmobile.
What was a good book you just read? The Appeal by John Grisham.
Dreams or goals? To continue to work here, travel a bit, and raise a family.
Favourite food? Mom’s chili.
Favorite music? There’s no radio here, so I’ve had Taylor Swift playing in my car.
Best movie you’ve recently seen? Juno.
If you could travel anywhere, where? Someplace warm with lots of sand for an extended period of time.
Who would you have dinner with, dead or alive? My grandmother, she just passed away recently.
If you were on a desert island, what would be the one thing you’d bring? It’s three, but my husband and two puppies.
Your culinary specialty? I make a mean spaghetti.
If you had a time machine, when and where would you go? I’d like to go back to the Victorian era, I’m such an ‘anti-girl’ so it would be interesting for a few days to wear the big dresses.

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