Who Are You? - Nigel Tchir | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Who Are You? - Nigel Tchir

nigel-tchir.jpgAge: 19
Employer: Extra Foods
Job title: Assistant Grocery Manager
Hobbies and interests? Computers, hockey, hardcore gambling, soccer.
Dreams or goals? Own a comic book store, because I like to geek out and read graphic novels and play with cards.
Favourite food? Canned beans, right out of the can and sour candies. And don’t forget bananas.
Favourite band? The Killers.
If you could travel anywhere, where
would you go?
Tokyo, because they have a lot of crazy technology there and there is always stuff going on.
If you had a time machine, where and when would you go? 1,000 years into the future, on Mars. And hopefully my head wouldn’t explode like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s did in Total Recall.
Dream car? A blue Subaru Impreza with gold rims. Nothing too fancy.
What’s your favourite game right now? NHL 09.
If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who? My girlfriend, Skye. We’d eat pepperoni and bacon pizza.
Who is your idol? Billy Idol, because he is a punk rocker who doesn’t worry what other people think of him.
Favourite quote? Either “boom, headshot” or “oh that dog of mine” from a Family Guy episode.
Favourite movie? That is a tough one, probably Superbad or Eurotrip.
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