Who Are You? Joanne Moulton | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Who Are You? Joanne Moulton



Joanne Moulton

Who is your employer?
I have no employer but I am the president of the Pioneer Trail Centre.
What do you like most about your position?
Working with all the people – they’re all my friends. It’s great. We do good works here and that gives you a reason to come in.
What is your dream job?
I’m doing what I want to do.
How long have you lived in the valley?
Since 1998. Before, we were farmers near Hussar.
What do you like the most about living here?
I love the valley. The typography of the valley is so beautiful. I just like living here.
What are some activities you do around the community?
Well primarily it’s what we do here (at the Pioneer Trail Senior Centre). We work on quilts – we’re making things for the Roatan children. I’m with a trio where we entertain at the lodges and the continuing care.
What have been your three favourite places that you’ve travelled to?
The eastern states where all my family history is, Hawaii, Other areas in the States where I have family [including] Arizona, California, and Idaho.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you bring with you?
People I love, my piano, and my books.
Choose one thing to eat for the rest of your life.
Black Forest Cake.
What is one of your favourite songs?
What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong.

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