Sports | DrumhellerMail - Page #434
Last updateWed, 12 Feb 2025 5pm

Come and join in the fun with The Harlem Crowns


How is the Drumheller Composite High School (DCHS) senior boys basketball team feeling right now? “Pretty excited!” attests Jeff Messom, team coach. And for a good reason: they are playing against the world famous travelers known as The Harlem Crowns in the New Year. The game the Crowns like to call “clownball” will be played at the DCHS gymnasium on January 14 at 7 p.m..
       The Harlem Crowns were formed by former Harlem Globetrotter Stan “Chico” Burrell in the mid-50s and are currently managed by Herb Scaife, who promotes discipline to achieve rewards. The team is composed of highly talented basketball players, from veterans to the one-year men, and of course, the rookies: new players trying out for the team.  In keeping with The Harlem Globetrotters’ image, players have showmanship in them. 

Walmart shows support for Titans


The Drumheller Walmart came out in support of the Drumheller Titans. This fall they were selling paper footballs to raise funds for the team, and then had a draw for Titans cards as well as an autographed football from those who supported the campaign. Any of the funds raised, up to $2,000, Walmart pledged to match. On Friday, Walmart presented a cheque for $4,000 to the Titans. Pictured are (l-r) card winner Wanda Fournier, football winner Sean Armstrong, Walmart manager Dexter Heide, Walmart assistant manager Teena Schrock and Drumheller Titans funding coordinator Kellie Smith. Other card winners included Barb Guidolin, Barb Coney and Scott McKay.
mailphoto by Patrick Kolafa

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