Drumheller Dragons | DrumhellerMail - Page #81
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Dragons lost fire this week

The Dragons looked in fine form when they took to the ice last Tuesday night, against the Bonnyville Pontiacs, but the team has yet to shake off the slump they found themselves in only a few weeks ago.Drumheller lost both of their games this week, each to the final tally of 4-2, against the Pontiacs and the Olds Grizzlies.With only four wins in the team’s last ten games, the Dragons have sunk to fifth in the south and are ice cold heading into the Christmas break.Finding the back of the net was hard earlier in the season, but the Dragons seemed revitalized with the arrival of several new faces in the dressing room.Import John Bolka has scored six goals and assisted seven since arriving in Drumheller only ten games ago, adding to the Dragons established goal scorers Young and Faryna.The Dragons are on a break until Saturday, January 3 when they play in Camrose against the Kodiaks, who are currently standing one place behind the Dragons.

Dragons show heart against Canada's best

dragons.jpg    The Dragons showed their heart and resolve taking the number one team in the country to the wire last Friday, December 13.
    The Dragons hosted the Spruce Grove Saints at the Memorial Arena, and while the Dragons had a slow start, they never stopped chipping away at the top team in the league, and Canada.
    “We knew what we were up against coming in, and prepared the guys the best we could, I just don’t think we had the start we wanted,” said coach Jason Hegberg.
    The Saints have earned their ranking, and part of that is a powerplay that is firing at over a 30 percent average. Two poorly timed penalties allowed the Saints to capitalize early in the first period. The Dragons had a break as John Bolka beat the Saints’ goalie one on one. Spruce grove lead 3-1 after one, out shooting the Dragons 10-2.

Dragons find new chemistry, rack up three wins

dragonsweek50.jpgThe Drumheller Dragons have turned their game around, racking up three wins this week, showing the offensive prowess crowds witnessed at the beginning of the season.
In a flurry of fresh players entering the Dragon’s den, the team has been revitalized and at the top of their game.
“There have been a lot of new faces in here the last few weeks,” coach Rob Hegberg said. “It has taken time to get our chemistry back.”
After losing 4-1 to the Brooks Bandits Tuesday, December 2, the Dragons quickly bounced back to beat the Calgary Royals at home and in Calgary.
The Royals, holding last place in the south, were outmatched and outplayed Thursday and Saturday, to a score of 7-1 and 9-3 respectively.

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