Come and join in the fun with The Harlem Crowns | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Come and join in the fun with The Harlem Crowns


How is the Drumheller Composite High School (DCHS) senior boys basketball team feeling right now? “Pretty excited!” attests Jeff Messom, team coach. And for a good reason: they are playing against the world famous travelers known as The Harlem Crowns in the New Year. The game the Crowns like to call “clownball” will be played at the DCHS gymnasium on January 14 at 7 p.m..
       The Harlem Crowns were formed by former Harlem Globetrotter Stan “Chico” Burrell in the mid-50s and are currently managed by Herb Scaife, who promotes discipline to achieve rewards. The team is composed of highly talented basketball players, from veterans to the one-year men, and of course, the rookies: new players trying out for the team.  In keeping with The Harlem Globetrotters’ image, players have showmanship in them. 


They’ve traveled to Tokyo, Singapore, across the United States and Canada to play against local teams and help community organizations raise money.
    The requirements for being considered a member of The Harlem Crowns are threefold: firstly, you need to have former college basketball experience; secondly, you need to have good character and the ability to get along with others; lastly and certainly not least, you need to have basketball ability, but also the potential to be a showman and a knack for comic improvisations.
    In the style of The Harlem Globetrotters, The Harlem Crowns will play a regulation four quarter game against the DCHS senior boys basketball team and you can expect to be entertained by gags and comic routines. They are also known as the masters of ad lib so whether you are a fan of the game or not, this is sure to be a fun night. 
    The team also promotes discipline and values, Scaife explains his passion for basketball: “I would be the first to admit that basketball has helped me to be where I am today, on my way to a happy and rewarding life, mentally, spiritually, and physically. School was my head start. There I learned discipline of the mind, how to think about goals in life and direct my actions...School was a major asset, in the classroom and on the basketball court, where my coach taught me. There are many things heard that I couldn’t especially relate to but now that I’m older and wiser, I respect them all for the little they contributed to making me a better person.”
    This big event is also helping the DCHS team as not only will they have a once in a lifetime experience, they will be getting a percentage of the profits which they will use towards their team’s expenses.
    Tickets will be available after the Christmas break starting Monday, January 4 at the DCHS office.

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