St. Anthony's wraps up track season | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 14 Feb 2025 10am

St. Anthony's wraps up track season

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Track and Field season at St. Anthony’s has wrapped up and many of the competitors put together their best efforts.
The Senior High team saw eight students come out. The high school team travelled to Foothills Athletic Park in Calgary on May 25 to compete in Zones. Five qualified for Zones.
“We actually had one top-four finisher. Andi Calon in the 800 metres for senior girls with a time of 2:59.46,” said coach Gavin Makse.
He notes she was just off the pace for qualifying for provincials.
Kai Lassen also competed well and finished in the top 8 in the 3,000 metres. He also competed in the 1,500 metre and finished 10th.

The Junior High team saw 14 come out and all did very well with 11 qualifying for Zones. They had two finishing in the top six at Zones. Adrian Ferro placed third in the 800 metres for bantam boys. In the bantam boys 1,500 metres, Joseph Makse placed sixth.
Coach Makse said the team has been training hard in the gym and on the field. For some racers, this was the first time racing on a track. He says the results bode well for the future for these athletes. The team was also coached by Mitchell Orr.

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