News | DrumhellerMail - Page #2977
Last updateMon, 17 Feb 2025 11am

Local man takes it all in look-alike contest

    Drumheller resident Justin Bolin has won a trip for two to Los Angeles for bearing an uncanny resemblance to Canadian comedian Russell Peters. The contest ended on Friday, December 2.
    Bolin entered the Calgary Sun Celebrity Look-alike contest and made it to the top 20 with another local, Nigel Tchir. Two cuts later, Bolin was still in contention against a Carrie Underwood look-alike and a Katie Perry look-alike.
    “The Carrie Underwood was very close and the Katie Perry was not too bad,” said Bolin.
    Through the efforts of his wife, Dawn, and the support of Drumheller, Bolin prevailed in the contest.
    “Definitely the support of the people in Drumheller and the fact that we’re a smaller community and we get behind our people is what pushed me to the top,” said Bolin.
    “I don’t know the count of the votes, but I was told I won single-handedly,” continued Bolin.
    Bolin is on his way to Los Angeles, staying in four-star accommodations in Hollywood. Bolin has also won a movie star home tour and $500 in spending cash.
    “It’ll be my first time down there,” said Bolin. “We may take in Disneyland and we’ll see about a couple different tours and make the most of it.”
    On top of winning the contest, Bolin may get a chance to meet his doppelganger.
     “Some of my co-workers have gotten in touch with Russell Peters management team,” said Bolin. “We’re waiting to hear back from them and possibly getting to meet Russell himself.”

RCMP focuses on impaired driving over Christmas season

    The Christmas season has arrived, and so has the season of Christmas parties and office get togethers.
    Unfortunately, this can also be a time when lives are torn apart by drinking and driving.  
    “The members of the Drumheller Detachment would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year. With that being said, we also want everybody to return to their homes safely,” said Staff Sergeant Art Hopkins.
 He said the police realize that at this time of year there are many parties and social gatherings taking place that involve the consumption of alcohol.  
    During the next few weeks, Drumheller Detachment will be implementing random checkstops in order to detect and deter persons from driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. 
    As alcohol is not the only substance that causes impairment, Drumheller Detachment now has two members who are capable and qualified to determine impairment by other drugs.
     The consequences of driving under the influence are many. They can range from a driving prohibition to vehicle seizures.  That is not including what could happen if someone gets hurt as a result of your actions while under the influence. 
    The financial implications to you and your family are huge should you get caught driving or are involved in a collision where someone gets hurt.
     “Please don’t drink and drive.  If you are planning on drinking take the time to plan a ride home. The life you save may be your own.Remember your children are watching everything you do and modeling their behavior after you,” said Hopkins.
    According to a press release, impaired driving continues to be one of the leading preventable causes of death. Drivers who choose to get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol not only put themselves at risk, but also threaten the safety of everyone else on the road.
    RCMP Traffic Services will be out in full force to ensure safe roads with a special focus on combating impaired driving. Check stops are conducted year round and especially during the holiday season in December. 
    In Alberta, an average of 1 in 5, or 20%, of drivers involved in fatal collisions had been drinking prior to the collision. On average, 8100 people are convicted of impaired driving each year in this province alone.
     The effects of alcohol vary greatly and blood alcohol concentration (BAC) can vary due to rate of consumption, rate of absorption, and rate of elimination. 
    The type of drink does not determine impairment, rather the amount of alcohol ingested over a specific period of time. A bottle of beer, a glass of wine and a shot of hard liquor all contain approximately the same amount of alcohol. The bottom line is…if you have consumed any alcohol at all, then why take the risk? Be responsible and plan ahead.
    There are many safe alternatives to getting behind the wheel after a night out.

Drumheller recycling facility “a site to be proud of”

    The Alberta Recycling Management Authority presented the Town of Drumheller with its Collection Site Award of Excellence at the Recycling Council of Alberta Conference held in Edmonton in the first week of October.
    “We thought that was the end of it, but they called us up and wanted to present us with a plaque,” said Tammi Nygaard, Operations Manager for Drumheller and District Solid Waste Management.
    “There was a third piece that wasn’t ready that day, so we thought let’s make it special again,” said Betty Gray from the Alberta Recycling Management Authority.
    Gray made the trip to Drumheller on Friday, December 2, to present the plaque in front of the Drumheller and District Solid Waste Management Association’s board of directors.
    The Drumheller recycling facility has come a long way over the past few years. Gray highlighted the chaotic condition of the facility in 2004 and how it has evolved to become an award winning site.
    “It’s well organized, it’s safe, and they’re collecting electronics, paint, and tires” said Gray. “They’ve really stepped it up.”
    The award was created four years ago, as Gray describes, to, “recognize and raise the bar in terms of standards at collection sites.”
    The award was accepted by Nygaard, Tim Woods, Recycling Supervisor, and Annon Hovde, Chair of the Drumheller and District Solid Waster Management Association.
    “It’s a big deal,” said Woods. “We’ve worked hard to get here.”
    Residents are encouraged to continue recycling. A list of what can be recycled can be found at
    “The more we can recycle is awesome,” said Woods.


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