Drumheller Town Council Meetings | DrumhellerMail - Page #21
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Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting Monday, May 2, 2022


Council Overview
Information from Drumheller Town Council Regular Council Meeting
Monday, May 2, 2022

Mayor Heather Colberg opened the meeting and announced the scheduled May 9 Committee of the Whole meeting will instead be a regular council meeting.
Councillor Stephanie Price was also sworn in as Deputy Mayor for the months of May and June 2022.
Director of Protective Services Greg Peters and Communications officer Erica Crocker gave a presentation on emergency preparedness for Emergency Preparedness Week, May 1 to 7. Each person should have a kit with enough medication, food, and water for 72-hours in the event of emergencies or evacuation; the kit can also include important documents, cash, children’s books or toys, ropes, tarps, or other survival equipment and gear.
Additional information about Emergency Preparedness Week and the 72-hour kit can be found on the Town of Drumheller website.
Leon Pfeiffer with RSM Canada presented council with the audited financial statements for the Town of Drumheller and the Drumheller Resiliency and Flood Mitigation Office (DRFMO) ending December 31, 2021. The finalized financial statements are expected to be released this week and a clean audit report was found.
Mr. Pfeiffer shared, as funding for the DRFMO is from grants and other revenues, it is imperative this is reported correctly; however, no significant errors or discrepancies were found in the financial statements and the audit did not find any evidence of improper or questionable payments or actions, and he was confident to say there was no fraud during the 2021 period.
In 2021, the Town showed $22.3 million in net financial assets and a total accumulated surplus of some $175 million.
Following this report, Director of Corporate Finance Mauricio Reyes presented council with a request to accept the audited financial statement report for the Town and DRFMO as presented; council accepted the presentation as information.
Mr. Reyes presented council with the 2022 Tax Rate Bylaw and requested all three readings be held during the meeting. He noted the 2022 Operating budgets were previously approved on April 11 which included a 2.1 per cent increase to the municipal tax requisition and this bylaw is a simple housekeeping item to allow administration to levy these taxes.
The municipal mill rate for residential properties will increase from 11.85663 in 2021 to 12.10984 in 2022, while the non-residential mill rate will increase to 19.15279, compared to 18.73769 in 2021.
Some $12.4 million, which includes the provincial education requisition and the Drumheller and District Seniors Foundation (DDSF), will be collected; $9.15 million of this will be municipal requisitions.
Council unanimously consented to give all three readings and passed the 2022 Tax Rate Bylaw.
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Darryl Drohomerski presented council with a request to amend the fees and schedules which council adopted earlier this year. There was an error in the fee for the Central Alberta Assessment Review Board (CAARB) where the fee was increased to $200; this fee is legislated as $50.
Council approved the presented amendments to the fees and schedules.
CAO Drohomerski presented council with a Council Code of Conduct review. This is a required review at the beginning of each term and is expected to be brought forward in June for approval.
Council briefly explained in-camera or closed sessions, and how council works together to provide response to email correspondence to all members of council.
Manager of Economic Development Reg Johnston presented council with a request for direction on the multi-unit rental rate under the Drumheller Residential Incentive Program policy. Iin February 2022, Mr. Johnston was asked to bring the policy back to council for further discussion.
Based on feedback from the Drumheller Housing Administration (DHA), it was recommended to increase the maximum rental limit under the policy from a proposed $850 per month. Based on current market rent evaluations, rental costs range from $700 for a one bedroom to $1,000 for a four bedroom dwelling.
Drumheller’s current rental vacancy rate is below one per cent and rising construction costs could see this increase further as shelter costs increased by some 6.6 per cent year over year according to the Canada Consumer Price Index (CPI); this has been the fastest pace since August 1983.
Council moved to a closed session to discuss Land Transfer Agreements under FOIP 24, advice from officials and adjourned the meeting.

Complete minutes from council meetings can be found on www.drumheller.ca once they have been adopted.

Council Notes from Committee of the Regular Council Meeting and Public Hearing Tuesday, April 19, 2022


Council Overview
Information from
Drumheller Town Council Regular Meeting
and Public Hearing
Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Mayor Heather Colberg opened the meeting and Councillor Tony Lacher acknowledged Thursday, April 28 as Day of Mourning for persons killed or injured in the workplace.
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Darryl Drohomerski presented council with a request for decision to close a road right-of-way in Rosedale following a land sale. There are three parcels needing to be closed; Area A was previously sold due to a permitted use, and a home is built into the road right of way.
Council gave first reading to the road closure bylaw and set the public hearing for Monday, May 16.
Director of Protective Services Greg Peters presented council with his quarterly report due to his absence from the April 11 Committee of the Whole meeting.
Protective Services have engaged in their spring emergency preparedness and have reviewed their existing emergency plan. A tabletop exercise was held in March and inventory checks of supplies have been carried out. The department is working with Infrastructure Services and Flood Mitigation departments.
Council adjourned the regular council meeting and took a 10 minute recess ahead of the scheduled 5:30 p.m. public hearing for the proposed Riverside Drive road closure.
Mayor Colberg opened the public hearing and outlined procedures for speakers during the hearing. She explained in order to schedule a public hearing council must first give first reading of a bylaw and this does not mean the bylaw has been passed as every bylaw must be given three readings.
About 25 people attended the public hearing in person with four people pre-registered to speak and five people registered the day of the hearing to speak; a total of 19 written submissions were received ahead of the deadline, with one in favour and 18 opposed.
CAO Drohomerski explained, regardless of whether it is decided from the public hearing to fully or partially close Riverside Drive, a portion of the road right-of-way for Riverside Drive must be closed for ongoing flood mitigation work on the Downtown Dike. This bylaw and public hearing will help expediate the process as it will allow the Town to potentially reopen a portion of the road if this is an option decided later.
All information from the public hearing will be collected and sent to Alberta Transportation for review. This process can take upwards of several months.
Flood Mitigation project director Deighen Blakely explained the province increased the design flood from 1,640 cubic metres per second (cm/s) to 1,850 cm/s, or roughly three feet higher than the 2005 flood event, and berms must be built to this level plus freeboard.
The Downtown Dike will protect critical infrastructure, municipal buildings, medical buildings, and several private residences and multi-unit dwellings. However, this will require an increase to the existing berm of about 0.5 metre to 2.5 metre rise and, due to space constraints along Riverside Drive, there are some challenges to constructing the berm in this area.
The recommended design option is to close a two-block section of Riverside Drive. It is estimated the closure will cost somewhere between $1.9 million and $3.2 million and is the least costly option as it does not require a retaining wall. The original budget for this segment of protection was $3.72 million, and the current cost estimate is $5.1 million.
Mayor Colberg will be advocating to get more funding for the program in the near future as the province has increased the initial design flow rates.
Ms. Blakely explained a Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) and traffic survey were conducted due to concerns from the community and stakeholders. The TIA looked at alternate travel routes and the potential traffic impacts, along with impacts on emergency response time. Three intersections were determined to have delays and some mitigation options were identified to alleviate possible congestion.
The Town is currently working on some of these improvements to improve traffic flow to the downtown area as part of the Downtown Area Revitalization Plan (DARP).
It was reiterated, regardless of what is approved by Alberta Transportation and council, any alignment alternatives for the Downtown Dike will require at least some closure of Riverside Drive.
Following community members speaking portion, all written correspondence were read into record by communications officers Erica Crocker and Bret Crowle.
The public hearing was closed.

Complete minutes from council meetings can be found on
www.drumheller.ca once they have been adopted.

Council Notes from Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday, APRIL 11, 2022


Council Overview
Information from Drumheller Town Council Special Meeting and Committee of the Whole Meeting
Monday, April 11, 2022

Mayor Heather Colberg opened the Special Meeting and noted the Committee of the Whole meeting will follow immediately after.
Director of Infrastructure Services Dave Brett presented council with a request to award the Drumheller Municipal Airport Lighting and Runway project. These are grant funded projects through the Strategic Transportation Infrastructure Program - Airports to update lighting and runway pavement at the municipal airport.
The lighting portion of the project was tendered in 2021 but came in over budget and was re-tendered to align with the paving project. However, after receiving all tenders the lighting portion of the project once again came in over budget while the lowest paving bid came in about one per cent over the budgeted amount in the 2022 Capital budget.
It was recommended to give a partial award for the paving portion only to Border Paving Ltd in the amount of $1,314,442.38; the Town will submit additional funding request to the provincial government for the lighting upgrade.
Council unanimously awarded the tender.
Director of Corporate Finances Mauricio Reyes presented council with the amended 2022 Operating budget. At the March 21 council meeting, council had requested administration to bring back the budget with further amendments to reduce the proposed municipal rate bylaw increase.
Following some discussion and changes, some of the changes made to the budget saw decreases of $134,320 for salaries and benefits, increasing user fees by some $10,000, and reducing the library requisition by some $21,550.
Based on the amended budget the municipal tax rate will increase by 1.9 per cent, down from a proposed 3.2 per cent increase during the March meeting.
Council unanimously approved the 2022 Operating budget in the amount of $9,147,735 (see story on front).
The special meeting was adjourned and Mayor Colberg opened the Committee of the Whole meeting with several announcements about upcoming Annual General Meetings for Travel Drumheller and Newcastle Hall and acknowledged the 105 anniversary of Vimy Ridge.
Dr. Sara Newstead, on behalf of Travel Drumheller, presented the committee with the updated Travel Drumheller three-year strategic plan. The strategic plan outlines ways Travel Drumheller will be looking to expand seasonal tourism and draw more off-season visitation and longer visits to the community to promote a more stable workforce.
In 2021, the Royal Tyrrell Museum saw over 312,000 visitors and some 4,000 visitors were assisted by the Travel Drumheller Ambassador program. Through a digital media campaign, a total of 33 million impressions were generated, and there was an increase of 48 per cent in web visits. Travel Drumheller also provided some $45,000 in direct marketing support to businesses.
The committee received quarterly reports from various departments, including Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Darryl Drohomerski, Recreation, Arts and Culture manager Darren Goldthorpe, and Community Development and Social Planning coordinator April Harrison.
The committee adjourned to a closed session to discuss advice from officials regarding the flood mitigation program and Municipal Facility Information and Asset Management.

Complete minutes from council meetings can be found on
www.drumheller.ca once they have been adopted.

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