Drumheller Town Council Meetings | DrumhellerMail - Page #75
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting of Monday, July 24, 2017







Mayor Terry Yemen started off the meeting noting Drumheller resident Tony Kollman was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame.
Tom Zariski also mentioned that previous Drumheller resident Brett Hogan has topped the Amature Golf Tournament this year.
Council gave first reading of Bylaw 8.17, which is a proposition to build a sanitary lift station in East Coulee for approximately 1.37 million.
So far $685,000 will be provided by the provincial government, $200,000 will come from the gas tax, which leaves $485,000 from other sources.
Proposed options to fill this gap is borrowing and or accessing reserves as well as applying for federal funding.
The town passed third reading to Bylaw 9.17, which is a bylaw for the purpose of creating three public utility lots to accommodate a settling pond and drainage ditches.
It will be constructed for the orderly flow and discharge of surface water near the newly renovated ATCO facility in Newcastle. Agreements are in place for three acres to create said utility lots in the name of the town.
Council gave third reading and passed Bylaw 10.17. It is an Assessment bylaw that needed an extension in order to be approved. The extension specified that the bylaw must be passed before the end of July.
Supplementary is not included but allows to catch construction that hasn’t been assessed from the previous year. This includes houses that have just been built, allowing them to be assessed upon completion or by years end.

The Referral for Direction (RFD) to choose to shop locally through the purchasing policy was brought to council’s attention.
Many rural locations don’t have a local policy in place. The town of Drumheller is looking at a possible 5% for max purchases of $25,000. As of now, the RFD is up for consideration.
Council received a Request for Decision from the Wayne Community Hall as the land is owned by the town. The Wayne Community Association wishes to look at funding for improvements to the current hall.
“It’s something that’s long overdue and needs to be taken care of,” said Mr. Romanetz. The town has approved a ten year lease for the Wayne Community Association.
With this in place, automatic renewal is set to kick in after the 10 years is up and they can begin the renovation process.
The CAO quarterly report consisted of a look at flood mitigation with various meetings held with the provincial government over the three month course.
Mr. Romanetz plans to continue conversations with the government to resolve the ownership issue of the dykes. So far four or five meetings have been held as ‘progress has been slow.’
Mr. Romanetz urged council to re-apply for grants as they are eligible to get funded. So far the town is forwarding two applications within the next 30 to 45 days. The work has since started with the province.
In the community, Mr. Romanetz noted that the ‘flowers are growing and turning out to be a nice addition.’
To continue the quarterly reviews, Director of Infrastructure Darryl Drohomerski highlighted the positives of the summer with the arena lighting upgrade which started in June. As of last Friday, the arena area has been completed. By mid August, they will have the lighting all changed.
A grant from the Alberta government allows to get funding back for work done due to the eco friendliness of the LED lights. The funding is also being applied to the Aquaplex for its renovations.
With the installation of 12 doggie waste stations, Mr. Drohomerski has received positive feedback from the community. They have been placed at trails and off-leash parks.
Contractors started on May to begin revitalization of the Aquaplex. Large portions of concrete has been removed. As of Monday, July 24, they have started putting the liner together.
Overall, the project is believed to be approximately one to two weeks behind schedule.
For beautification, they are getting more people from the hotel area to downtown by adding new signs in the hotel/restaurant corridor. They are adding in tree wells rather than just planters. Median enhancement, using both planters and flowers, has continued along Highway 9 south. Beautification along Highway 10 East (by Greentree Mall) will be completed in the next quarter.
Lastly, 90% of road construction is completed and the construction company will be finished by August long weekend.
For the Corporate Services department, property taxes/notices were mailed out on May 23 following the adoption of the mill rates bylaw on May 15. So far, one formal commercial appeal has been filed.
A call for proposals for IT Managed Services received 12 requests. Evaluation of these proposals will be brought forward to council in the form of Request for Decision’s.
A call for proposals for the purchase and redevelopment of properties known as the Elks Club and Nacmine Bar were received by the town. Both are known to be in derelict state and require much attention. There has been no interest for the Elks Club but some for the Nacmine Bar.
Due to seasonal demands, Human Resources has acquired five students thanks to the STEP grant. HR was also successful in applications for the Canada Summer Job grants, securing funding for three students.
Over the past three months there has been a large surplus but with more expenditures during the summer months with labour costs due to influx of people.
For Community Services, the department was in full force with summer activities and surveys.
They are continuing to create Strategic Plan Priorities. They have also been busy with surveys including the dinosaur street naming and the downtown revitalization panels at the BCF which will have results later on.
As for the July 1st Canada 150 celebration, it was considered ‘one of the greatest Canada Days Drumheller has ever seen.’
Director of Community Services Paul Salvatore also noted a 43% increase on the town site; natural from seasonal tourist time. A relaunch of the Travel Drumheller site has caused only minor setbacks, not losing as much traffic as thought at first.
The Aquaplex numbers are down because of the revitalization ultimately shifting people to different activities.
As for the BCF, wedding season is in full swing with the venue booked until 2019.
Protective Services tasks are related heavily to the season. Compared to the last quarter, there is an increase in weed and grass complaints, complaints of birds, ground squirrels, magpies and situations of dogs being left in vehicles.
RCMP Constable Craig Nelson is leaving for a position in Olds as a school resource officer but the current local police department will still have full members after his departure.

Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting of Monday, June 26, 2017




Monday, June 26, 2017

The meeting started off with general remarks from Mayor Terry Yemen.
He commended the organizers for the Gran Fondo for its successful event.
Councillor Tara McMillan wanted to thank fellow councillor Tom Zariski for his efforts in the Badlands Passion Play golf tournament.
“If it wasn’t for Tom, they wouldn’t have a golf fundraiser,” said McMillan.
To forward the meeting, CAO Ray Romanetz gave an update about the grant application and how the flood mitigation project is going to work out. With a grant over a year ago, there have been on going discussions about ownership and other topics.
Council passed first reading of Bylaw 04.17, to permit borrowing for up to $497,400 for the purpose of building a berm in central Drumheller to protect the town from further flood damage.
This is the first step in the process as requirements dictate to have a public meeting. The recommendation was to proceed with the first reading to allow for the borrowing of $497,400 as all options to get the 10% off the municipality’s plate have been exhausted. Now as of last Wednesday, a proposal was put together but with great difficulty to get wording. The intention is to have delays dealt with now before it causes problems.
The town’s overall debt ‘is in really good shape.’
Rates are very reasonable right now and future generations will be paying for the work at a steady, solid rate of interest.
Bylaw 05.17 covers the second flood mitigation project approved by the government. Another $516,000 will be put towards the project in order to create a berm in the East Midland and Newcastle area.
Further grants have also been identified for future projects through the grant that has been approved. The first reading carried.
An application was received by the town to appoint a new Economic Development Advisory Committee leader.
Mr. John Goudy was seen to ‘do a very good job’, especially with his local background knowledge and different perspective. Goudy will be serving a three year term.
A request for a two year extension for the auditor appointment was brought to light. The extension will be ensuring stability for next two years of 2017 and 2018 as three years tends to be the most effective in terms of relationships and understanding.
A request for a new liquor service model for the Badlands Community Facility (BCF) was brought to attention. Roughly one to three events per year require liquor service at the large facility.
Three options were presented but only one stood out to create easier service to the customer as well as help local businesses and organizations.
A motion was carried to enhance the current self serve model with an interest to provide a pre-approved list of organizations and businesses to provide and to offer services. So far the BCF is not losing bookings because of the lack of service.
The meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m.

Council Notes from the Committee of the Whole Council Meeting of Monday, June 19, 2017




Drumheller Town Council

Committee of the Whole Meeting

Monday, June 19, 2017


The meeting started off with an annual update from the Drumheller and District Chamber of Commerce.
Shelley Rymal and Marley Henneigh were present as well as President Brock Harrington and Executive Director Heather Bitz to explain the report.
Of noticeable increase, 11 members currently sit on the board with 3.5 per cent increase in membership since last year. For building relationships, calls and emails are made as well as reach on social media with 691 Twitter Followers and 635 Likes on Facebook.
The chamber representatives also noted they look forward to more conversation about policies. Memberships are now recognized on provincial and national levels.
Bitz attended a policy conference where several discussions were commenced based on topics like Bill 17, the Fair and Friendly Workplaces Act.
29 policy resolutions were presented by local Chambers of Commerce which were timely to the business community. The trade show contract has also now been extended to 2020.
For this year’s Canada Day Parade they will continue with the new route and the Jurassic Classic golf tournament will be happening on August 18 with prizes and more. October is the busiest month with the election forum in addition to the Lunch N’ Learn gathering and Business Excellence Awards Gala held during small business week.
The World’s Largest Dinosaur which opened in fall of 2000, is up 12.5 per cent with 15 per cent of funds from admission and gift store purchases going towards the legacy fund. Last week the DDCC installed video cameras to watch the dinosaur at all times. Visitor Information Centre is accredited to promote all businesses despite chamber membership.
A new addition to statistics being collected at the Information Centre is a referral to accommodation as well as facilitating (booking) residents. An outdoor Kiosk will be set up Tuesdays and Thursdays at the information centre and a survey will be conducted using iPads during those times to see what else people wish to see in the valley to make them stick around longer. They are teaming up with Canalta to sweeten the deal by giving away prizes.
Next, council moved onto the Aquaplex renovations update explained by Director of Infrastructure Darryl Drohmerski.
The construction initially started on May 1 with a two week shutdown. As of today, the completion is at 15 per cent. The reason for such a slow start was due to painting. Once the painting is finished, then much more work can ensue to speed up the process. Painting is 60 per cent. 80 per cent done is the sauna and change rooms which should be completed by next week. The Pool deck is ready to be extracted which is scheduled to happen at the end of June.
After Canada day, four to five weeks will be dedicated to insulation. Completion is still on track with a date set for on or before September 29.
Little finds can be found when opening up an older building, but so far cost is minimal and will help visitors in the end.
One large example of this is the Steam Room. It has now been moved with retrofits. They determined that the original steam room was in fact a humidifier system rather than steam room proper piece of equipment. In the long run, lots of energy will be saved and it cleans itself every night so staff doesn’t have to.
Swimming pool staff have been taking pictures for Facebook or Twitter to follow the changes. As well, a time lapse camera will be set up to link into social media.
Contractors show up on a bi-weekly scheduled basis to be in the know and keep things running smoothly and on schedule. Drohomerski reminded Council that the crew is also cognizant of customers in the high season of July and August.
Lastly, this year’s Canada Day schedule was explained by Community Director Paul Salvatore.
He thanked the chamber for putting on the parade and noted new family fun items like six new inflatables including a 95 obstacle course, Zorb Ball Race Track, Bungee Run, and more.
A magician is expected to be running around Drumheller during the day and Council will cut the cake at 6:00 p.m.
Entertainment starts at noon and the largest display of fireworks yet will begin at 11:00 p.m. Some Canada 150 swag like temporary tattoos and such will be handed out throughout the day.

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