Drumheller Town Council Meetings | DrumhellerMail - Page #75
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting of Tuesday, September 5, 2017;



TownofDrumhellerCrestTom Zariski was sworn in as Deputy Mayor for the months of September and October..
The Drumheller Chamber of Commerce requested council review the current Purchasing Policy after a brief presentation on May 8 for new recommendations.
Changes like posting on the Town of Drumheller website for tendering purposes as well as proposal opportunities will come into effect.
Councillor Jay Garbutt noted that the website must be navigated well and that many will not search for the information so it must be easy to find.
A local preference clause was also put in place to encourage local spending between the town and businesses.
This may give preference to suppliers operating from taxable property within Drumheller and all bids or quotations offered will be considered equal.
Local suppliers may be granted a pre-tax price differential preference of five per cent over other suppliers on individual purchases up to $25,000, provided that with the exception of price, all things are considered equal once specifications and terms are reviewed.
Cindy Clark, Business Advocacy Committee Chair, was very pleased with the overall policy and thanked council for considering the purchasing policy changes.
A motion was carried to follow through with the revised policy
A new Infrastructure Financial Strategy was discussed and presented by Stantec, an international professional services company in design and consulting. This new strategy was based from policy adopted by council in 2011.
Stantec first visited council and presented a presentation on February 13, 2017.
Under this strategy, the plan will focus on certain points. It does not require significant increases in currently available annual revenue for infrastructure. It maintains a similar debt level as present - well below maximums set in Debt Policy.
The strategy will also Increase overall cash reserve levels over a 10 year period. It is dependent on similar levels of infrastructure grants and availability of special purpose grants and does not include funding for major new infrastructure.
A request for decision (RFD) was made for council to adopt the updated strategy. Councillor Tom Zariski made a motion to adopt the new strategy. Sharel Shoff seconded.
The motion was carried unanimously

Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting of Monday, August 21, 2017






A public hearing to address Bylaw 07.17 was the first item on the list. The bylaw was meant to amend Plan 3867 HU Lot 11 within the SW ¼ Sec. 28-28-19 W4M within the Rosedale District from Urban Transitional District to R-CH- Residential Cottage Housing District. The previous recreational area that sits in Rosedale is a full 10.3 acres of land. The plan was to remove all existing housing units to in turn create 57 new lots as a gated community.
The first reading for this zoning was on June 12 with letters regarding this possible change sent out on June 19. A total 103 referrals were sent. Of that total, seven letters returned as opposed to the proposal and one in favour.
The initial plan for this new cottage resort was to create 22 year leases with a target on snowbirds for the summer months. A recreational aspect would be included with a board in mind to designate what would like to be seen.
Since the land has a naturally decided upper and lower plateau with a 50 ft elevation from higher to lower end, all of the lots would be clustered together on the top half with a wooded area. These upper lots would have a partial view of the lots below it.
This new development has green initiatives in mind by using greywater for watering yards, solar panels, compost and recycling, and a carpool vehicle.
The non-movable permanent housing units themselves will have high pitched roofs with a cottage concept while attaining a smaller size. It would be made with efficient and recycled materials.
Wooded area will act as barrier and keep existing wooded area.
From the seven submissions read, one was in support and seven were opposed.
The project was seen as a ‘glorified campground’ with no place in the Rosedale community.
Neighbouring home owners and council meeting attendees pointed out traffic and parking issues, health risks, construction, lease problems like AirBNB, safety, noise, housing prices, disrespectful owner’s, lot sizes, payments, amenities like running water and sewage, etc. The one in favour mentioned the 31 year reputation of RA Hamilton and Associates as they have worked on many local buildings like Heartwood Manor, Heartwood Haven, and other cottages.
The public hearing closed. The motion was later defeated.
Council proceeded to Bylaw 04.17 to make a motion to incur indebtedness for the ongoing flood mitigation project. Ensuring the bylaw passes will allow council to move forward to then give direction on the new project. It also relates to getting the province to clarify the owner of bridge. The motion was defeated due to lack of knowledge on budgeting.
Bylaw 05.17 begin a bylaw to incur indebtedness by the issuance of debenture in the amount of $516,000 for the purpose of flood mitigation in East Midland and Newcastle, through berm enhancement and construction. Second and third readings were initiated. A motion to table was made by Councillor Tara McMillan.
An update on the Aquaplex project was conducted. The liner is getting put in very soon, with lots of prep finished already. Painting is essentially done with only parts of the flooring left.
Due to unforeseen massive amounts of concrete, demolition took a two week delay. Director of Infrastructure Services Darryl Drohomerski noted that the contractor on site spent many evenings and weekends trying to get back on schedule as well as crew members. Regular bi weekly meetings for updates have been put in place. Overall, the updates are on budget but timing is unsure at this time.
A Referral For Direction (RFD) was made by Director of Corporate Services Barb Miller.
For council to start advanced polls, the Returning Officer was given permission to hold them. The dates will be on Thursday, October 5, 2017 from 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. and Saturday, October 14 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. before the official election date on October 16, 2017.
An update on the Downtown Revitalization Strategy has provided some new insight into the way in which the project will go. Some of the suggestions collected by the public were interesting. A Downtown public plaza creation, an opportunity to enhance existing features, seating, shade, outdoor performance, signage, outdoor marketing, events and programing were all mentioned in the online survey. Overall, the third option was picked. It included raised sidewalks, more dinosaur themed items, pocket parks, and a Woonerf which is a shared street with spaces for socializing. Banff is an example.
More Dinosaur Capital of the World signage and branding like the new dinosaur street names will be up by December of this year.
For the Dinowalk, the branch is working with dinoarts, referred to mapping. The medallions will reinforce the scavenger hunt type walk.
60 people took the online survey.
Mr. Drohomerski gave a presentation on a proposed lighting model to replace the 30 year old decorative lights that surround downtown. The plan was proposed with partnership with ATCO, created a new design for decorative designs. If followed through, there will be brighter lights than what is currently on the street.
So far there are 62 existing fixtures and eight deficiencies for a total of 70 for replacement. The new bulbs are expected to take less power but give off cleaner, brighter light. They would change the three head light to a one head light with poles for two flower pot hangers plus a plug in for Christmas lights. These lights can focus away from windows or towards roads by directing light to where it is needed.
Starting by next spring, the plan is to finish replacing the old lights before the middle of June next year.

Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting of Monday, July 24, 2017







Mayor Terry Yemen started off the meeting noting Drumheller resident Tony Kollman was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame.
Tom Zariski also mentioned that previous Drumheller resident Brett Hogan has topped the Amature Golf Tournament this year.
Council gave first reading of Bylaw 8.17, which is a proposition to build a sanitary lift station in East Coulee for approximately 1.37 million.
So far $685,000 will be provided by the provincial government, $200,000 will come from the gas tax, which leaves $485,000 from other sources.
Proposed options to fill this gap is borrowing and or accessing reserves as well as applying for federal funding.
The town passed third reading to Bylaw 9.17, which is a bylaw for the purpose of creating three public utility lots to accommodate a settling pond and drainage ditches.
It will be constructed for the orderly flow and discharge of surface water near the newly renovated ATCO facility in Newcastle. Agreements are in place for three acres to create said utility lots in the name of the town.
Council gave third reading and passed Bylaw 10.17. It is an Assessment bylaw that needed an extension in order to be approved. The extension specified that the bylaw must be passed before the end of July.
Supplementary is not included but allows to catch construction that hasn’t been assessed from the previous year. This includes houses that have just been built, allowing them to be assessed upon completion or by years end.

The Referral for Direction (RFD) to choose to shop locally through the purchasing policy was brought to council’s attention.
Many rural locations don’t have a local policy in place. The town of Drumheller is looking at a possible 5% for max purchases of $25,000. As of now, the RFD is up for consideration.
Council received a Request for Decision from the Wayne Community Hall as the land is owned by the town. The Wayne Community Association wishes to look at funding for improvements to the current hall.
“It’s something that’s long overdue and needs to be taken care of,” said Mr. Romanetz. The town has approved a ten year lease for the Wayne Community Association.
With this in place, automatic renewal is set to kick in after the 10 years is up and they can begin the renovation process.
The CAO quarterly report consisted of a look at flood mitigation with various meetings held with the provincial government over the three month course.
Mr. Romanetz plans to continue conversations with the government to resolve the ownership issue of the dykes. So far four or five meetings have been held as ‘progress has been slow.’
Mr. Romanetz urged council to re-apply for grants as they are eligible to get funded. So far the town is forwarding two applications within the next 30 to 45 days. The work has since started with the province.
In the community, Mr. Romanetz noted that the ‘flowers are growing and turning out to be a nice addition.’
To continue the quarterly reviews, Director of Infrastructure Darryl Drohomerski highlighted the positives of the summer with the arena lighting upgrade which started in June. As of last Friday, the arena area has been completed. By mid August, they will have the lighting all changed.
A grant from the Alberta government allows to get funding back for work done due to the eco friendliness of the LED lights. The funding is also being applied to the Aquaplex for its renovations.
With the installation of 12 doggie waste stations, Mr. Drohomerski has received positive feedback from the community. They have been placed at trails and off-leash parks.
Contractors started on May to begin revitalization of the Aquaplex. Large portions of concrete has been removed. As of Monday, July 24, they have started putting the liner together.
Overall, the project is believed to be approximately one to two weeks behind schedule.
For beautification, they are getting more people from the hotel area to downtown by adding new signs in the hotel/restaurant corridor. They are adding in tree wells rather than just planters. Median enhancement, using both planters and flowers, has continued along Highway 9 south. Beautification along Highway 10 East (by Greentree Mall) will be completed in the next quarter.
Lastly, 90% of road construction is completed and the construction company will be finished by August long weekend.
For the Corporate Services department, property taxes/notices were mailed out on May 23 following the adoption of the mill rates bylaw on May 15. So far, one formal commercial appeal has been filed.
A call for proposals for IT Managed Services received 12 requests. Evaluation of these proposals will be brought forward to council in the form of Request for Decision’s.
A call for proposals for the purchase and redevelopment of properties known as the Elks Club and Nacmine Bar were received by the town. Both are known to be in derelict state and require much attention. There has been no interest for the Elks Club but some for the Nacmine Bar.
Due to seasonal demands, Human Resources has acquired five students thanks to the STEP grant. HR was also successful in applications for the Canada Summer Job grants, securing funding for three students.
Over the past three months there has been a large surplus but with more expenditures during the summer months with labour costs due to influx of people.
For Community Services, the department was in full force with summer activities and surveys.
They are continuing to create Strategic Plan Priorities. They have also been busy with surveys including the dinosaur street naming and the downtown revitalization panels at the BCF which will have results later on.
As for the July 1st Canada 150 celebration, it was considered ‘one of the greatest Canada Days Drumheller has ever seen.’
Director of Community Services Paul Salvatore also noted a 43% increase on the town site; natural from seasonal tourist time. A relaunch of the Travel Drumheller site has caused only minor setbacks, not losing as much traffic as thought at first.
The Aquaplex numbers are down because of the revitalization ultimately shifting people to different activities.
As for the BCF, wedding season is in full swing with the venue booked until 2019.
Protective Services tasks are related heavily to the season. Compared to the last quarter, there is an increase in weed and grass complaints, complaints of birds, ground squirrels, magpies and situations of dogs being left in vehicles.
RCMP Constable Craig Nelson is leaving for a position in Olds as a school resource officer but the current local police department will still have full members after his departure.

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