Council Notes from the Regular Town Council Meeting of Monday, June 12, 2017 | DrumhellerMail
Last updateThu, 16 Jan 2025 3pm

Council Notes from the Regular Town Council Meeting of Monday, June 12, 2017




A proclamation to make June Recreation and Parks Month within Drumheller was included in the opening remarks from the Mayor.
A schedule was shown to explain the July meetings.
Council heard first reading of a Bylaw to redesignate a parcel of land in Rosedale, formerly a golf course from Urban Transitional to Recreational Cottage Housing. CAO Ray Romanetz explains that with first reading passed, the Town will inform those who are directly affected of the proposal and schedule a public hearing in the near future. Councillor Jay Garbutt wished to see lots of communication and inform as much of the neighbourhood as possible of the new change.
Economic Development Advisory Committee recommendations were next on the list. Two topics were discussed with Task force members who attended the meeting. The Task force presented a plan for theming the community, downtown beautification and engaging in active economic development marketing.
It included $60,000 to hire a marketing expert with self motivated, effective community building and relationship skills for an eight month contract, and to build and create a marketing kit.
Also discussed was a proposal for a Street Naming Project and Dinosaur Medallions Wayfinding Project, the projects were thoroughly explained and where the money was going to.
The task force has been working with the Royal Tyrrell Museum to maintain accuracy. With a little bit of technology mixed in by creating an app to explain the medallions, it gives Travel Drumheller the chance to upsell to businesses and make advertisements. The app creates a creative way to keep tourists lingering downtown.
Councillor Pat Kolafa mentioned that as well as an app, a hard copy should be made in association with Travel Drumheller.
Council went on to decide who was opposed or for the extra money allocation to the Medallion and Street naming projects.
They concluded that the projects were approved and the committee could move forward.

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