Hope lives, and so does Elvis at Relay for Life | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Hope lives, and so does Elvis at Relay for Life


    The Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Elvis are ready to shake rattle and roll on course to raising funds   at this year’s Relay for Life.

    Drumheller is launching its 5th annual Relay For Life on June 10 at the Stampede & Ag Grounds. Every year, participants get together for this 12-hour overnight walk to celebrate the lives of those who have overcome cancer, remember loved ones lost, and empower individuals and communities to fight back against the disease.
    “I’m so grateful to the people of Drumheller who have supported Relay For Life over the years. We’re gearing up for Drumheller’s 5th Relay on June 10 and want to encourage the community to get involved again,” says Danielle McPhee, a.k.a Sister Devil in Disguise.
    The team is famous among the Relay crowd for its outrageous costumes and Elvis motif. “We try to have really strong team spirit and just have a blast every year” says McPhee. “Yes, it’s a fundraising event that has a big impact for people living with cancer, but it’s also just a really good time. I’d encourage anyone to participate.”
    Currently the top online fundraiser, McPhee has already raised over $2,000 in the fight against cancer and aims to reach $5,000.  The cancer cause is very close to her heart: she walks in memory of her brother Ken who passed away in August 2006. In fact, her entire team is made up of friends and family members who have all been touched by cancer in some way and hail from Calgary, Delia, Drumheller, Rockyford, and Strathmore.
    “My heart also goes out to anyone who has to go through cancer alone. That’s why I was so thrilled to learn about the Cancer Connection program,” says McPhee.
    Cancer Connection is a peer support program of the Canadian Cancer Society that puts cancer patients in touch with someone who has already been through what they are facing. These volunteers are trained to listen, provide emotional support, and share practical insights about living with cancer. Cancer Connection is funded by Canadian Cancer Society events including the Drumheller Relay For Life.
    Those in the Cancer Connection program connect through phone, email, or the brand new CancerConnection.ca online community. “What’s so great about an online community is that besides offering some privacy to people on their cancer journey, it’s available for anyone in Alberta at any time of night or day- they don’t have to live in Calgary or Edmonton. It’s nice to see a support service that the people of Drumheller can directly benefit from without having to drive for hours,” says McPhee.
    Teams can register at http://relayforlife.ca
    For more information on Cancer Connection can be found out at http://CancerConnection.ca  

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