Town enters into regional bylaw services study | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Town enters into regional bylaw services study

    At Monday’s town council meeting, council members moved to enter Drumheller into the exploration study to see if bylaw services for Palliser Regional Municipal Services could be streamlined to improve efficiency.     The regional bylaw enforcement services exploration study was requested by municipal members/shareholders of Palliser Regional Municipal Services as a regional service that should be reviewed and considered due to the small size of the interested municipalities and the lack of efficiency of having bylaw enforcement services on an individual municipality basis.
    The purpose of the study is to identify and assess potential options and determine whether the benefits of regional service delivery of bylaw enforcement services outweigh the costs. The study will provide various approaches to service delivery on a regional basis, considering various parameters and scope. The results of the study will be reviewed by the interested/involved municipalities to determine if regional bylaw enforcement should be pursued. If it is decided that there is enough interest to proceed, an implementation program and operations plan will be developed.
    Regional Bylaw Enforcement Services will be implemented if a cost-effective and viable option is developed through the project. As many of the supporting municipalities are small and remote, regional services are often seen as the most viable option to ensure the necessary expertise and abilities are retained to provide critical municipal services.
    Palliser Regional Municipal Services is currently awaiting a decision on the Regional Collaboration Program grant funding made available through Municipal Affairs to proceed with the project.

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