Many heads put out for Cuts 4 Cancer 2011 | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Many heads put out for Cuts 4 Cancer 2011

savanna-richardson.jpg liam-lewandowski.jpgbrandon-mullin.jpgrasmussen-cuts.jpg

Initial counts put 2011's Cut 4 Cancer total at $23,445.08- shy of their goal of $30,000, but pledges are expected to roll in well into next week. "It was fantastic," said Chop Shop owner Cathy Morse Thursday evening.

The entire Titans Football team came out to brave the buzzers, with many more individuals bringing in pledges for the annual event.Check next week's Drumheller Mail to see the total amount raised for Cuts 4 Cancer. Pictured is 12 year old Savanna Richardson who managed to raise $1,165, Titans Liam Lewandowski, Brandon Mullin, and Titans head coach Jason Rasmussen.

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