Suspended sentence for assault, resisting peace officer | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

Suspended sentence for assault, resisting peace officer

    A woman in Drumheller received an 18 month suspended sentence for assault, assaulting a peace officer with intent to resist and uttering threats.     Kelly Boutin represented herself in provincial court in Drumheller on Friday, January 21. She entered three guilty pleas stemming back to incidents on September 26 of last year.
    Drumheller RCMP were called to a residence responding to a complaint of an assault.
    When police arrived, Boutin had been restrained by others in the residence. She was visibly upset and when police attempted to take her into custody, she resisted. She also admitted to uttering a threat. She admitted that alcohol was involved on the evening in question.
    The prosecutor acting in the case recommended a suspended sentence of two years with a probation order and a no contact order with the victim named in the ordeal.
    Judge Grieve suspended the passing of sentence for 18 months, with conditions of abstinence from alcohol and counselling as directed. There is also a weapons prohibition.

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