Pre-Christmas mail delay irks residents | DrumhellerMail
Last updateThu, 16 Jan 2025 3pm

Pre-Christmas mail delay irks residents

    Leading up to Christmas, some residents were left waiting by the mailbox wondering if they were going to receive anything in the busiest mail season of the year.     One resident in Riverside west near Drumheller Town Hall, who wished not to be named, said he received no delivery on December 16 or 17, but received a few items on Monday, December 20. He then didn’t receive anything again until Christmas Eve.
    From what he understands, the delivery person for his area went on holidays. He said the break in service is common when someone goes on holidays, but the week before Christmas exacerbates the situation.
    “There are people waiting for their pension cheques,” he said. “I heard a comment that there was no Christmas for someone because there was no pension cheque.”
    He would simply like to get an answer.
    “My big question is why can’t they just say ‘we have no delivery, you can pick up your mail  at general delivery?’” he said.
    Staff at the Drumheller Post Office would not comment to the media. Calls to Canada Post’s customer service line, or its media line were not immediately returned.

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