Ski hill’s friends society proposal rejected by council | DrumhellerMail
Last updateThu, 16 Jan 2025 3pm

Ski hill’s friends society proposal rejected by council


    The proposal put forth by the Drumheller Valley Ski Hill (Friends) Society was unanimously defeated at Monday’s council meeting.

    The motion to enter into a lease agreement with the society for the 2010/2011 ski season was put down after concerns were addressed.
    “The proposal was not close to what we wanted,” said Mayor Terry Yemen. “The Friends Society has no rights to any of the assets on the hill. The proposal they made didn’t seem to have any substance."
    Councillor Andrew Berdahl said he has “deep concerns” about entering into an agreement with the society, and would prefer a deal with the original society formed in 1997.
    Councillor Jay Garbutt said the price given for the value of the hill was the 1997 appraisal price, and CAO Ray Romanetz agreed it was not a current market value price.
    The newly formed Friends Society would not have been liable for the debts incurred by the 1997 Drumheller Valley Ski Club Society.
    Before making the decision, council and a group of about a dozen ski hill supporters heard a summary of the “convoluted” history of the “on-going saga” from lawyer Sharon Clark who presented the report.
    Formed in 1997, the Drumheller Valley Ski Hill Society had in place an agreement to operate the hill. This was rescinded in the fall of 2009 for not meeting its contractual obligations.
    In 2009, the Town of Drumheller agreed, if all terms were met, the Drumheller Valley Ski Club could operate the hill.
    Obligations set in October 2009 were not fulfilled, including a $30,000 heavily discounted water bill not being paid. The ski club lost their status as a not-for-profit society, and the town rescinded the agreement in November of this year.
    On December 17, the Canadian Badlands Passion Play was given official notice that the property it co-owns with the former Drumheller Valley Ski Club (1997) is now involved in a foreclosure process.
    Clark said a revival of the  original 1997 society has taken initial steps, and could be revived if prerequisites are met and is approved by a court.
    “After the proposal was drawn up, we found more information like the foreclosure and another company with a court action against them, we didn’t feel it was appropriate to put the town’s assets in jeopardy or peril because of that," said Yemen.
    Yemen said the town is now in a position to wait and see.
    “We’re not calling the shots, the only place we have interest in is that quarter section of land and a $30,000 water bill that hasn’t been paid.”
    "We need some assurance that assets will be protected. We want it to remain a ski hill.”

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