Canadian Badlands presented with Municipal Affairs Award of Excellence | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

Canadian Badlands presented with Municipal Affairs Award of Excellence

    Canadian Badlands has been honoured for a second time in as many months. This time it is by Municipal Affairs.     The Drumheller Mail reported in its October 27 edition that Canadian Badlands won the Friends of Tourism Alto Award. This week Canadian Badlands won the Minister of Municipal Affairs Award of Excellence.
    “I commend the municipalities involved in the Canadian Badlands project for their unity and partnership - working toward economic diversification through tourism - that will result in strength-in-numbers benefits for them all,” said Municipal Affairs Minister Hector Goudreau.
    The Canadian Badlands is a collaboration of 62 municipal stakeholders that is working to create an ‘integrated, destination-based tourism industry.”
    The Outstanding Achievement Award was awarded at the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties (AAMDC) convention, held November 15-17 in Edmonton.
    The Minister’s Awards have been presented since 2002.

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