Knox United Church celebrates centennial | DrumhellerMail
Last updateThu, 16 Jan 2025 3pm

Knox United Church celebrates centennial


   The Knox United Church in Drumheller celebrated their 100 year anniversary in late October, with many gathering to celebrate the historic milestone.

    On October 16 and 17, guests from near and far registered for the commemoration.
    On the Saturday morning it began with a session called “Do You Remember When...” where a long time member shared a story of playing contact basketball in the church hall – at the time the hall was the only gymnasium in town and as such, was a gathering for youth.
    After lunch, the guests moved to the church sanctuary for a fashion show. Wedding dresses had been collected from church members and were modelled by young and mostly thin members. The oldest dress was from 1918 and except for the twenties, there were dresses from every decade.
    The beautifully decorated hall was filled to capacity for the catered banquet on Saturday evening, brought to a close with a talent show.
    Much interest was shown in memorabilia that had been collected over many years. Albums, hymn books through the ages, pictures, special bulletins were all on display in tje Fellowship Room. An accounting of the church history was laid before the guest’s eyes.
    “This weekend helped us realize the hard work and perseverance of those who had gone before us,” said JoAnn Cunningham. “There is a sense of warmth in thinking of the passing parade of people who have look to the Knox as their church home– a sense of admiration for tasks completed and an overwhelming sense of gratitude and humility for our heritage.”
    “If we can go forward with the same determination that filled the lives of our pioneers, we will be able to continue serving the cause of Christ in our town and community.”

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