Citizens on Patrol asking for eyes and ears | DrumhellerMail
Last updateMon, 17 Feb 2025 11am

Citizens on Patrol asking for eyes and ears

    If you are planning on drinking and driving, vandalizing businesses or homes, or causing trouble in the community you’ve got more worries than just looking out for a squad car.
    Drumheller RCMP have extended eyes and ears thanks to the hard work put in by Citizens on Patrol, a volunteer program looking for new recruits now.
    “People get burnt out after doing it for years... We have about 20 volunteers now but would love to see 60 come forward,” says a coordinator who asked to keep his name private.
    The C.O.P. (which is not the origin behind the word cop, by the way) is asking for adult volunteers to help keep Drumheller as safe as it can be.
    But it is not for over zealous thrill seekers, shifts are worked by cruising Drumheller’s neighbourhoods, becoming flies on the wall who are not involved in the incidents.
    Most incidents the Citizens on Patrol are involved in are related to drunk and reckless driving, vandalism, break and enters into businesses, and large groups of people roaming neighbourhoods in the wee hours.
    “We try to be as transparent as can be,” said the source. “We are a quiet organization that is just extra eyes and ears for the RCMP.”
    Qualifications for volunteering include being over 18, pass a RCMP Security Investigation, complete a short training session.
    Hopeful applicants can apply by phoning the Drumheller RCMP detachment, (403) 823-7590.

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