Great support was shown for the Community of Standard’s latest project as bidders made their way to the auction in support of the new community centre.
The community has been raising funds for the community centre which will face Yorick Avenue, and will be just over 10,000 square feet. It includes a covered entrance, and features a main hall that seats 350 to 400 and a meeting room. It has a coatroom, a full service kitchen and bar, and ample storage for all its needs. The association has already secured the land for the new community centre.
Bidders came out in droves last Saturday for the charity auction. There was a lot of everything for every buyer, from kitchen antiques to cars. Organizers expect they will clear about $40,000 when the paperwork is done.
“It turned out better than we thought it would,” said Standard Community Association president Brent Gregory. “We had roughly 1,000 items and we thought if we could average $25 an item we could make $25,000. We exceeded that.”
He said they also raised funds at the event selling homemade pies and through other activities.
Brett Gates, who helped organize the auction, said all the items were donated. While the crowds were thin to begin, the auction finished strong. Wild Rose Auction Services made sure every item went.
One notable item included a butcher block. The antique fetched an astounding $1,600. Gregory said the proud bidder plans to install castors and use it as a kitchen island. A lot of 3 ½-inch pipe, which many ranchers use for corrals, went for $3,000, and a truck fetched $2,500.
Another curious item that was on the block was a logging tool used to punch logs through waterways, a rarity on the prairies. Gregory said the buyer decided to use it as a fixture in his home.
“There were some pretty incredible antique items that went fairly cheap, and some that really surprised you,” said Gregory.
The community has enlisted Bearden Engineering and Architectural Consulting of Red Deer to design the facility. Gregory explains currently they are putting the final touches on the plan to prepare it to be put to tenders in the future.
“We went with Bearden. Anyone we’ve talked to couldn’t say enough about them. We did a lot of research as to who we would go with, and we got the best feel from Bearden,” said Gregory. “They are super to work with.”
The association has a goal of raising about $2 million for the project, and has made great progress towards achieving that goal. They are also looking for grants and corporate donors as they continue fundraising. He expects they will start the project in the spring of 2012.
“I don’t know what the magic number is (funds-wise) to start building,” said Gregory. “You don’t want to get it built, and then have no money to run it… and you don’t want to be sitting with a big debt in the bank.”