Cuts for Cancer smashes goal | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

Cuts for Cancer smashes goal


chop-shop.jpg    In its sixth year, Cuts For Cancer hit its stride with a record-breaking result.
    The event, held on February 3 at the Chop Shop, to raise funds to help those battling cancer, was set up by Cathy Morse in memoriam of her mother who passed away fighting cancer.
    This year, it achieved its goal of raising more than $20,000 in a single day hair-cutting blitz.
    When the last hair fell, from the likes of Rod Morse and Walter Albrecht, the event raised $20,413.37, its best showing ever.     
    Cathy was elated by the results, as the pledge sheets for some of the participants whowent all out were in circulation for less than a month.
    There were 515 receipt-able donations, plus numerous others who gave out of pocket to support the cause, or just showed up for a haircut.
    More support was shown by the likes of Freson IGA and the Drumheller Co-op, which provided fuel in the form of fruit, drinks and sandwiches to keep the scissors blazing.
    The money raised by the event will be going to a fund of the Drumheller and Area Health Foundation. This fund is for people undergoing treatment at the Community Cancer Centre. Patients can apply to access the funds for financial assistance or for medical expenses. Chair of the Drumheller Area Health Foundation, Dr. Boris Nahornick, was presented with the funds at the Chop Shop on Thursday, March 4
    “100 per cent of the funds stay in Drumheller,” said Cathy.
    Although the seventh annual event is almost a year away, brainstorming on who should be on the block for next year has begun.

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