Town receives Administrative Penalty | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 14 Feb 2025 10am

Town receives Administrative Penalty

Following a 22 month examination, AlbertaEnvironment (ANEV) has assessed an administrative penalty of $8,500.00 to theTown of Drumheller pursuant to section 237 of the Environmental Protection andEnhancement Act. (EPA).

The penalty is a result of three contraventions. The first contravention was inApril 2007 in which the Town of Drumheller exceeded the turbidity limit fortreated water. This led to the boil water advisory on April 16 2007. The secondcontravention relates to the April 2007 situation where the town failed toimmediately report by telephone the turbidity level. The third contravention wasFebruary 29th2008, for exceeding the monthly average total suspended solidslimit for wastewater discharge.

The Town of Drumheller was in general agreement with the facts presented byAENV regarding the alleged contraventions and subsequent investigation. TheTown has taken corrective procedures to rectify the deficiencies. CAO, RayRomanetz said “Following the boil water advisory we retained EPCOR to providerecommendations about how to improve the operations of at the water treatmentplant. the town has since implemented most of epcors recommendationsincluding updating the standard operating procedures, drafting and implementingan emergency response plan, and reservoir operation improvements whichincluded the installation of uv equipment at the water treatment plant.”

With respect to the third contravention at the wastewater treatment plant,Infrastructure Services Director Al Kendrick stated,”there are a number of thingsthat are being done to make management of the incoming wastewater at theplant more efficient. The major step is the fifteen million dollar ($15,000,000.00)rebuilding of the waste water treatment plant.”Construction of the plant beganlast month and will increase the capacity and the treatment efficiency of the plant.

The Town of Drumheller has been operating the Water Treatment Plant andWastewater Treatment plant in total compliance with the Environment Protectionand Enhancement Act since the infractions occurred.


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